Video Games and LOTR Mod
I would love to see a PF Gandalf or Aragorn in Fellowship Clothes. But a Arwen or Eowyn would be great to.
JSAuctionService said:Lurtz definitely WAS a main character in the film version of FOTR.
He was the one who killed Boromir for goodness sake!
wookilar8 said:At this point I'm game for anything. I'll even take that grumpy old hobbit from Fellowship.
LOTRFan said:Proud - FOOT!
Fritz said:Proud - FEET!![]()
Honestly, this line doesn't need main characters. It needs COOL characters. This is Premium Format. Take advantage of the media and make items that are awesome. I'll take a Prologue Elven Warrior, A Fountain Guard, Boromir, Helms Deep Haldir or Legolas in Helms Deep Armor over Gandalf, Sam, Gollum, Saruman etc. Not necessarily in that order or those specific examples but I think you can see where I'm going with this.
Fritz said:It needs COOL characters. This is Premium Format. Take advantage of the media and make items that are awesome.
KitFisto said:See, I think a Saruman PF would be a kick ass figure. Pose him walking with his staff. Just my opinion though.
tomandshell said:I also like Saruman. I would love a PF...
Darth Loki said:Dude, what is that frome? Is that the new GG line?
dunedain said:OMFG That piece looks awesome![]()
tomandshell said:Gentle Giant will be doing a line of LOTR animated maquettes in the same style as their Star Wars maquettes. No official pictures have been released yet. They will be previewed at Comic Con next month, and until then there are no pictures available by GG's orders...
KitFisto said:I almost hope it's one I don't want to give the wallet a rest. I am only doing Lurtz, the whole Fellowship, Saruman and maybe Gandalf the White or an Orc if they do a really cool one.