Don't get me wrong Jango, I'm definitely an OT fan first and foremost and I don't think anything could ever change that. I was 8 back when I first saw SW at the movies back in '77 and it had me hooked from the moment I saw that scroll and ensuing space battle. I think I ended up becoming an EU fan because after the movies were gone I still needed my SW fix
and once I found out my old 3 3/4 figs had actual names I felt even more connected to that galaxy far, far away. That is why my most wanted figs are OT stuff like Oola, the Rebo band, Chewie, Snowtrooper, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Gunner and I would especially love to see a 1/6th scale Labria and Lak Sivrak 2-pack, now that would rock. Before EU stuff I wouldn't even have known what to call Labria besides that weird toothed snake/worm thing in the cantina
. For the record I think it was sacrilegious for her to have been replaced in the later release of the movie
and I will go to my grave refusing to forgive Lucas for it
. BTW, I hope we get a Biker Scout in the near future and a PT Sora Bulq.