NEXT Star Wars 1/6th Figure...

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I'm sure when SSC makes Ponda he will come with at least some suction-cup hands, some knobby-knuckled/screen accurate hands and maybe even some pairs of regular/original figure hands.:dunno:pray:
I think that will happen as well... Hasbro did it with their recent release so I'd imagine Sideshow will want to follow suit.
SSC not outdoing Hasbro = FAIL - and I would be forced to never buy another SSC figure as long as I lived.:panic::horror:gah:
Yeah, right.

Are you calling me a liar, sir? How dare you, how dare you indeed. You have besmirched my interwebs credibility, and I will not stand for it sir, I will not and I cannot.

I challenge you to a duel....................................tomorrow after school by the flagpole.
abandon thread abandon thread.....:panic::panic::panic:................. gonna need boba fetts lifejacket to survive this.
I'm not kidding you guys, the Dewback really pushed it... My wife was on the couch reading to my son when the doorbell rang. When she saw me coming down the hall with that massive box she said:
"What the hell is that?"
To which I replied "that lizard thing I told you I bought"
Her: "Did they send you two?"

Anyway, I knew I was in trouble. It's not a price thing, but a size thing.

Stay away from eFX then. Price and size come into play. :horror
Bossk. Then Walrusman.

Does anyone think CAHobbit meant that there were going to be figures at SDCC that haven't been teased?

Are you calling me a liar, sir? How dare you, how dare you indeed. You have besmirched my interwebs credibility, and I will not stand for it sir, I will not and I cannot.

I challenge you to a duel....................................tomorrow after school by the flagpole.

It's on. :cool:

Shut up, liar!

Don't you talk to devil like that.

Now you appologize.

Evenin' Chase. :wave

I love Devilof76. :lecture

Evenin' Sugar. :wave

Admit it, he paid you to say that didn't he :tap

Paid? With what, money? :lol

No money was exchanged. :lecture

Bodily fluids were though. :(


I just threw up in my mouth. Oh flosi..have you really sunk so low and to trade fluids with that guy? Shame on you...shame. :pfft:

Hey, now...

He is a pretty cool dude.

That's what I heard too. Although, I also heard he's prone to indiscretion when it comes to bodily fluids.