Super Freak
Camel-Toe Mouth.

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Camel-Toe Mouth.
So I am really curious to know where Sideshow is going to go with this line.
I don't want to put the effort into certain customs, if they might yet get made, especially Dengar, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM.
The problem is they have tapped out the characters that people seem willing to pay $200-$240 for.
So I am really curious to know where Sideshow is going to go with this line.
I don't want to put the effort into certain customs, if they might yet get made, especially Dengar, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM.
The problem is they have tapped out the characters that people seem willing to pay $200-$240 for.
Just complete those damn bounty hunters!
Would you pay $200 a piece for those guys?
I'd like to see them do an AT-AT Driver next.
Can't see picking-up Dengar.
It's likely that we wouldn't know anything until SDCC if it's EP7 related. Dengar and Zuckuss would be cool but don't think I'd buy them. Hoth Leia should still be on the table and with the Tatooine droids just made, I would think Jawas and R5-D4 would be high on SS's list.
Tarkin and Lando skiff would be cool too but none of these add up to any coherent theme and not sure if any grouping of those would make the most impressive line-up. Maybe an Endor focus to build off the scout trooper.
Personally, yes, but I own 90% of their OT stuff despite all my complaining. Dengar and Zuckuss are tricky customs too.
I admit I caved on X-Wing Luke just like you.
I want more jabba`s goons to go with jabba the hut