Even if Clones and droïds variants were obvious releases to maximize profit, Sideshow having yet to release Dooku and AOTC Anakin remain a mystery. If only two PT characters were ever to be released, they would be my picks.
To be fair, the clones sold very well for the most part. Even I ended up buying one.![]()
[...]Do I dare even say the unthinkable....
even Jar Jar.[...]
I would buy a Hot Toys Jar Jar in a heartbeat.![]()
Like many things in the PT, JarJar isn't a bad design. It's the way they behaved - their characters - that was bad.
Fixed that for you. I'm sure they'll probably do some of those characters, like Dooku. I don't see the point in EU stuff though, nor more Battle droids. That stuff just will absolutely not sell - look at the stock situation they have right now on that kind of thing.
EU is not Star Wars. Repeat that a few times. There are a few people that care about that stuff, but the vast majority of Star Wars products will always revolve around the films because that's what the vast majority of fans care most about.
Besides, OT Cantina aliens would outsell anything from the EU or PT. More bounty hunters would as well. Hands-down, no contest. We still need a Lando. AT-AT driver. Snow Trooper Commander. etc.
EU is not Star Wars? EU panels (clone wars, rebels, del reys) were among the most popular panels in celebration VII. Millions watched clone wars and Star Wars Rebels. So no, ALOT of people care about the EU. And I believe you are exaggerating when you said cantina aliens would outsell a new maul, qui-gon jinn or dooku.
But you are right. Majority of the merchandise are going to be about the films, and mostly focus on OT and ST from now on. With HT's release schedule I doubt we'll see any PT characters release in the next couple of years, let alone EU characters. I just hope we get a couple major characters from those periods somewhere down the line.
Sorry but the clone wars and rebels cartoon is considered to be canon... Not expanded universe.
I know that. But if you read pixel's post he's clearly referring to clone wars and rebels.
I'd kill for a Walrusman.
I was in fact clearly NOT referring to those. Straight-Edge is on the money. Those are canon. I'm talking about stuff from comics and novels for the most part - stuff that any tom **** and harry reinvented as they saw fit. That stuff was never "Star Wars" and now it's been clearly spelled out.
Newer isn't better, better is better. If a bounty hunter or cantina alien didn't outsell a Qui-Gon Jinn by an order of magnitude, I'd be surprised. FFS, Qui-Gon. That's funny.
Who wouldn't right? That's what I'm talking about.
I was in fact clearly NOT referring to those. Straight-Edge is on the money. Those are canon. I'm talking about stuff from comics and novels for the most part - stuff that any tom **** and harry reinvented as they saw fit. That stuff was never "Star Wars" and now it's been clearly spelled out.
Newer isn't better, better is better. If a bounty hunter or cantina alien didn't outsell a Qui-Gon Jinn by an order of magnitude, I'd be surprised. FFS, Qui-Gon. That's funny. And while I admit to liking the Darth Maul design and concept, the execution, his role in the movies, was just a total waste of time. He was no villain and lasted all of 15 minutes.
The SW franchise has become kiddie enough. Don't give them any ideas![]()
the EU was the biggest part of the Star Wars universe.
Umm the **** are you talking about the EU was the biggest part of the Star Wars universe and were considered canon before lucasfil decided it wasn't it's still Star Wars it just does not carry canonical weight I'm not gonna argue but I can pull many quotes from Star Wars.com stating how the eu is part of the same story it pisses me off when people don't know what the **** they are talking about.
Hahahahahahahahaha. Funny. Guess the execs at Disney didn't get the memo when they dumped it like a bag of plague-infested blankets.
Like what you like, but Star Wars was, and always will be, the Movies. What you're holding onto as the EU was fan-fiction. Plain. Simple. Not saying that none of it had merit, but it's just not the "Star Wars" that 99% of people know and love.