Tarkin would send me through the roof. Horribly missed on the shelf and very much under represented. But there must be a reason.
Maybe because no one cares enough about him to spend $200+ on his figure?
Maybe because no one cares enough about him to spend $200+ on his figure?
Maybe because no one cares enough about him to spend $200+ on his figure?
Hardcore collectors would shell out the bucks for Tarkin, but not the majority of consumers. 100 stormtrooper variants would sell better, so HT will keep making stormtrooper variants. It's all about the moolaYour best hope for a 1/6 Tarkin would be Sideshow (if they haven't made him already).
He's the main villain of the original film, and he's played by a cult horror icon. He makes more sense as a figure than some random background aliens and officers who've already been made.