They're definitely making this guy. Just a matter of when. He was heavily promoted as one of the three main new heroes before the film so you know Hot Toys has been working on him.
No doubt. X-Wing Poe is a given.
They're definitely making this guy. Just a matter of when. He was heavily promoted as one of the three main new heroes before the film so you know Hot Toys has been working on him.
I bet we will be getting TFA figure announcements through December. There are a lot left....
I bet we will be getting TFA figure announcements through December. There are a lot left....
-Poe X-Wing
-Poe Resistance
-Rey Resistance
-General Hux
-Kylo Ren Battle Damage
Ackbar and Nunb I can't see happening. Too brief and pointless in TFA.
Obviously they're huge in the other movies, but you could argue 3PO and R2 are a bit pointless in TFA also - R2 really is set dressing. Maybe if they have a role in RO then HT would make them a priority (it seems they were intentionally kept out of the story in TFA.)
And not sure Maz would be a big seller, though I guess she's so small she'd be part of a two pack like BB-8/Rey.
Nice to see you embracing TFA IrishJedi. Have you seen it more than once?
I really, really like this movie. It's my 3rd favorite in the saga (behind TESB and ANH, of course).![]()
Yes, I agree, behind ANH and ESB, yes, you are correct.![]()
I myself have flip-flopped them a couple of times over the years.
Oh yeah. I'm at 7 total viewings now. That includes the Premiere, so I have paid to see it "only" 6 times.I have a few friends who have seen it many more times that that. But I'll see it one more time theatrically next week when I go to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. They actually have it in 70mm IMAX, one of only 15 theaters in the whole world to have it in that format, so I can't pass up the chance to see it that way.
I really, really like this movie. It's my 3rd favorite in the saga (behind TESB and ANH, of course).![]()
TESB and ANH are, essentially, interchangeable as the #1 favorite. I've never even been tempted to debate it, and I myself have flip-flopped them a couple of times over the years. But TESB has perennially been my personal benchmark for this franchise.
It's only when people say that ROTJ (or worse, ROTS) is their favorite that I have to give some serious side-eye.![]()
Oh yeah. I'm at 7 total viewings now. That includes the Premiere, so I have paid to see it "only" 6 times.I have a few friends who have seen it many more times that that. But I'll see it one more time theatrically next week when I go to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. They actually have it in 70mm IMAX, one of only 15 theaters in the whole world to have it in that format, so I can't pass up the chance to see it that way.
I really, really like this movie. It's my 3rd favorite in the saga (behind TESB and ANH, of course).![]()
While Return of the Jedi is the weakest of the Original Trilogy I think there's been a lot of Internet revisionist history as to how bad it is. I've been hearing this often recently and I still think it's an enjoyable film overall. The biggest problem I feel is that it feels like it should have been two films instead of one or a longer film. A lot of it feels rushed. Still though it has some of my favorite scenes such as the Jabba's Palace opening, the speeder bike chase, and the final duel between Luke and Vader. The space battle is good too.
While ROTJ is undoubtedly the step-sister of the OT, I still love some of the sequences - Jabba's Palace, Sail Barge battle and the speeder bike chase to me are as great as anything in SW and ESB. Even parts of the ROTJ final battle are pretty great (Ackbar "star destroyers", ATST's, etc) amidst the HF mugging, Tarzan yells and Ewoks.
can't wait for HT to finally dive into ESB and ROTJ. As much as I'd like a Poe, I'd REALLY love a HT Luke Jedi.
I've watched it all 4 times in 15/70 [2D]. That chase sequence on Jakku looks riveting in five stories.
For me ESB and RotJ are interchangeable in the #1 spot. ESB is, of course, the superior movie. But RotJ has the best emotional payoff, IMO. Seeing it for the first time (and the audience reaction when Vader grabs the Emperor) will always remain one of my favorite memories. So I will acknowledge that my ranking is very rosecolored.![]()
For me ESB and RotJ are interchangeable in the #1 spot. ESB is, of course, the superior movie. But RotJ has the best emotional payoff, IMO. Seeing it for the first time (and the audience reaction when Vader grabs the Emperor) will always remain one of my favorite memories. So I will acknowledge that my ranking is very rosecolored.![]()