Only one left is the flametrooper, who has no OT connection
Sure he does!

Only one left is the flametrooper, who has no OT connection
I'm not sure it was that deliberate, but I can tell you that many individuals involved in the new movies despised JJ Abrams.![]()
Only one left is the flametrooper, who has no OT connection, but I'm sure I'll cave.
Not cast and crew, that's for sure. They love the guy.
Sure he does!
My thoughts exactly.
I expected FN-2187 but not the SF TIE Fighter Pilot.
Good news for us.
[...]I always wondered - how did that happen exactly? Stormtroopers stood around them and fired laser blasts until they were fried? It's just that people hit with laser beams in SW just fall over dead.
So yeah - maybe flametroopers were OT after all. Though I can't imagine Owen and Beru put up much of a fight.![]()
I always wondered - how did that happen exactly? Stormtroopers stood around them and fired laser blasts until they were fried? It's just that people hit with laser beams in SW just fall over dead.
Until Poe shoots FN2187's stormtrooper friend and somehow he gets all bloody.
Yep. SW = inconsistency.
It's one of the few series' that wears that as a badge of honour.![]()
Star Wars has never really been consistent with those types of things. Walrus Man's severed arm bleeds, Luke's cauterizes, etc.
Maybe Walrusman/Ponda Baba suffered from hemophilia![]()
Except that it's not hemoglobin stopping a laser burn from bleeding.
I hope it's Tarkin.