Though it's historically not the most reliable site, the Zelda special edition is available on the toys r us site.
That also happened to my friend. Postponed until Monday and they notified him just yesterday!Best buy delayed my game shipment to Monday. And my system is still in "shipping now" status at amazon. Gonna be a bad day
Im going to pick up a regular version of the game on both Wiiu and Switch today and quietly stare at them while I hope and Pray my Switch gets delivered tonight
But hey my Amiibos are out for delivery. Stayin positive
Mine hasn't shipped from Amazon either.
Read a few people's impressions that have really put me off this. I'm pretty sad about it, too.
All I have seen is the opposite on how great the system. I myself love it even and enjoying every minute of it.
Same here. Zelda is incredible and the Switch might be the greatest piece of tech created by Nintendo so far. Beats the hell out of the Wii U and even the 3DS for me.