I never did understand the zealots. People who 'love' Sony... or Microsoft or Nintendo, and think all their new console are 'awesome' (even before they've seen them never mind played them) and think that all the other consoles are pathetic.
2 generations ago I loved my PS1, last generation I loved my Gamecube, and this generation I wasn't sure where I was going, but as soon as Nintendo released images of their new controller (and like everyone else I was expecting some gamepad looking thing... with a difference maybe, after all the talk of touch screens and such, but a gamepad none the less) and then they released pics of the wiimote.
"what the............"
was my first reaction. But once I'd realised what they were doing... "ohhh, you MOVE it... woahh, cool" I just HAD to have it.
I can't wait for the Wii to come out over here (and for me to have money to buy it, lol) it's the only system I've really been excited about this generation. Although seeing truly next-gen graphics like Gears on the 360 make me go "omg... that's IN GAME graphics" I love moments like that.
But the Wii it will be

and maybe in a few years followed by either one of the other two. (although I said that about my gamecube, and I never DID get a PS2. although i still want one for just a few games I've been dying to have a go of)