No Medicom Star Wars Heroes?????????

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Insufferable S.O.B.
Sep 12, 2005
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Tree of Woe
When is Medicom going to man up and make some Star Wars Heroes???

They brought out Luke in what Early 02? And since then it's been Vader, Stormtrooper, Rehashed black Stormtrooper, Clonetrooper and finally Fett.

Where is Medicom Han??? Leia?? Chewie??? Ben Kenobi??? Where are the droids? I'm starting to think that Medicom can't do droids.

Guess they can't get Human likenesses down so they are just going to milk out helmet characters.

Where is Chewie???? Prolly when he does come out he will be 12.3" tall. But you can just add 2" spacers to his legs to make him taller, even though that will give him monkey legs.

Now see how stupid it is to think SS won't do armor figures?

Give me a break you cry babies. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance.
Did you not hear they are working on their headsculpts until they can get them perfect because so many people have complained about Luke.
pixletwin said:
:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2

WHY GAWD!!!!????!!!! :monkey4

It's a never ending cycle pixle... I'll avoid this thread to spare you all.
You had to know someone was going to do it. With all the Sideshow can't do armor and the lack of humans in Medicoms SW line.

Now let the war begin:lol
Medicom doesn't fuss around they go straight up for the heavy-hitters like Vader, Fett, and the Stormtroopers.

If I want a winner, I'd get Fett....not Chewbacca. :chew
Give it all a rest would ya guys!! Seriously! I'm so tired of reading how bad SS is because they haven't done this or that. On the other hand I'm tired of the talk that Medicom Sucks because they're not as tall or they're more exspensive. Both are great and both have faults. The personal nitpicking said by members here towards the medicom folks is old (and yes I've had moments where I participated) and the same goes for what's said about this board by the medicom folks.

Just talk about the toys folks!!
ohhh..luke and Han, jedi anakin, young and old obi-wan..of course they are all loosers...:rolleyes:
jlcmsu said:
Give it all a rest would ya guys!! Seriously! I'm so tired of reading how bad SS is because they haven't done this or that. On the other hand I'm tired of the talk that Medicom Sucks because they're not as tall or they're more exspensive. Both are great and both have faults. The personal nitpicking said by members here towards the medicom folks is old (and yes I've had moments where I participated) and the same goes for what's said about this board by the medicom folks.

Just talk about the toys folks!!

agreed josh.
jlcmsu said:
Give it all a rest would ya guys!! Seriously! I'm so tired of reading how bad SS is because they haven't done this or that. On the other hand I'm tired of the talk that Medicom Sucks because they're not as tall or they're more exspensive. Both are great and both have faults. The personal nitpicking said by members here towards the medicom folks is old (and yes I've had moments where I participated) and the same goes for what's said about this board by the medicom folks.

Just talk about the toys folks!!
I have to agree. It does get pretty tiring reading the same stupid arguments (by both sides) over and over. I actually stop reading some threads because of it.
Batty said:
I have to agree. It does get pretty tiring reading the same stupid arguments (by both sides) over and over. I actually stop reading some threads because of it.

I know it drive me Batty. No pun intended.
Yes they do get old but I am sorry to say this but some of the Medi kids seem to have a thing for twisting the knife. I mean we had like 5 threads for a certian 1000 piece item. Little excesive don't you think? Also you notice the person who started the tread about how Sideshow is not making armor figures right now. Some of them bring up good point and are fair, but some are just here to twist the knife. They have there own board why can't they leave it there instead of trying to make this a Medicom board. there is room for both but there a few who almost seem like they are trying to convert this place to a Medi board.
mfoga said:
Yes they do get old but I am sorry to say this but some of the Medi kids seem to have a thing for twisting the knife. I mean we had like 5 threads for a certian 1000 piece item. Little excesive don't you think? Also you notice the person who started the tread about how Sideshow is not making armor figures right now. Some of them bring up good point and are fair, but some are just here to twist the knife. They have there own board why can't they leave it there instead of trying to make this a Medicom board. there is room for both but there a few who almost seem like they are trying to convert this place to a Medi board.

:clap :clap What mfoga said. There is a Sideshow board and a Medi board. Make up your mind.
TOE said:
:clap :clap What mfoga said. There is a Sideshow board and a Medi board. Make up your mind.

both, because i buy both.
darthviper107 said:
Leave medi at the medicom board. This is sideshow freaks...
See I think there is room for both but recently it has gone to far. It use to be just people a thread about an item thats coming out and it was calm and civil but now its become almost a war.
darthviper107 said:
Leave medi at the medicom board. This is sideshow freaks...

by that logic, hot toys, master replicas, and gentle giant should probably be left at their respective boards as well.
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