Super Freak
But from a believers perspective the bible isn't a fiction title where some changes were made. Noah turning to fallen angels to help build the arc is beyond ridiculous.

Just think of this as a fictionalized version of the Genesis account. To be honest, if they stayed true to Scripture, there's not enough for a movie to be made. Things needed to be added and changed. However, they went a bit too far and I see it as an alternate account just as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is an alternate account of Abraham Lincoln's life.
I am not for one surprised they changed as much as they did. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
occulum said:How is it possible for a fallen angel to even exist?
They're called demons. Can't answer your other questions about it because the Bible doesn't shed much light on it. I've learned it's best to focus on what the Bible says rather than what it doesn't say. Does knowing the dynamics between Satan and God, Demons and Angels, Hell and Heaven affect my Salvation? Not really. Jesus is the focus wherever you look and that's what is important to the reader.