Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy (BB/TDK/TDKR)

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I understand their restraint on the Ledger issue. After all no one has ever died before and certainly never in the entertainment industry. Hopefully the new Wizard of Oz anniversary blu-ray has no special features whatsoever out of respect for the tragic loss of nearly everyone involved in the production.
You know if there really *is* stuff out there that they haven't used yet they're either holding it back for ANOTHER set or I think it's just not there.
I can't imagine them sitting on interviews, docs, etc, of Heath and not release it. I honestly think it's just not there, we've seen everything there is of Heath.

Nah, that's BS. Nothing there?

It's not like he died during the film's production an didn't complete his parts. He died during post when he was finished with his parts for the role. We've seen interviews for Begins and Dark Knight where actors like Bale, Caine, Eckhart, Maggie, etc are being interviewed while they're on set for the documentaries. Bale is at the Himalayas LoS set talking about his process. Eckhart is in full costume outside the MCU set discussing his character, Maggie in Rachel get up in one of the court scenes.

So we're meant to believe there was almost zero footage of Ledger as the Joker? No tests, no costuming or prosthetics work? Nothing of him on set? Most of the actors were featured in these rolls, where's Ledger's?




No, he's purposely excluded. All the goods like him discussing the character, messing around behind the scenes, deleted footage, screen tests, etc. are locked away. Unless we're to believe that he was the only one not to be included in this BTS process of filmmaking while he was still alive, which is absurd.

The Batpod has a documentary segment. Bane and his mask/costume have a segment, both of Batman's suits have segments, we're meant to believe they had no intent of including any insight about the Joker? The driving force of the marketing and film? No way. It can even be backed up that they DO have a lot more considering they have still pics of him behind the scenes that have slowly leaked out. Where there are pics, there is footage.



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I understand their restraint on the Ledger issue. After all no one has ever died before and certainly never in the entertainment industry. Hopefully the new Wizard of Oz anniversary blu-ray has no special features whatsoever out of respect for the tragic loss of nearly everyone involved in the production.

:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl :clap
There's probably stuff in the vault. They just won't release it

And lose out on all the money they'd make by releasing a second complete edition later on, with all of the Ledger stuff included?
Maybe it's the family that doesn't want it, what ever it may be, they have their reasons. Although I think (and that is if there is any) it will be released in time. If it's just WB being dicks with double, triple, dipping then **** em.

It just seems particularly idiotic that Nolan/WB really seems to be going out of their way to "own" Ledger's death. As if he died while making The Dark Knight (he didn't) or as if it was his final theatrical appearance (it wasn't.)

Should Brokeback Mountain/Knight's Tale/10 Things I Hate About You/The Patriot/Doctor Parnassus blu-rays all show the same "respect" by pretending he never existed? So profoundly bizarre.
It's telling how Batman himself and almost every villain have a screen test with the actors but absolutely no Ledger as the Joker.

They have freakin' Cillian Murphy and some other random guy in Kilmer's suit but nothing of Ledger. Ridiculous. They have a documentary about Bane's stupid mask and clothing, Bale trying test fittings for the TDK suit back in 2006 or 2007 but nothing of the Joker process. No make up, no prosthetics, no nothing. I know why they're doing it but it seems downright disrespectful to me.

He was the best part about this "Dark Knight" trilogy and was clearly one of the main factors in it's success but there's literally nothing about him. What does that say? If he was such a presence on set (which I'm sure he was) in such a collaboration, where is all his stuff? Poor **** didn't even get a tribute or any behind the scenes footage (when there's clearly stuff out there considering all the behind the scenes production footage they had of Bale, Caine, Freeman, etc. for TDK).


Perfectly said.
Here's the actual footage of Murphy from the doc:

No way in hell I'm paying a hundred bucks for this thing, but it's looking more and more enticing, considering the fact that I can't, for the life of me, find my TDK Blu-Ray.:lol I'd also like to say, though, that, at this point, the "Ultimate Collector's Edition" label doesn't mean ****. There was a Wizard of Oz UCE a few years ago, and they're doing a new one this year for the 75th anniversary. My guess: we see 10th anniversary UCEs for Begins and TDK in 2015 and 2018, respectively, and a new Trilogy set in 2022 (providing discs are still around, then:lol). :lecture
Wait for them to come online.

If this had better transfers for the first two, deleted scenes (which we all know exist) and better special features that had some stuff for Ledger, it'd be a no brainer.

This though? They'll be on youtube within a month. It's not worth the price tag getting stuff you already own, unless the little art cards and crap equate to $90 for folks.

I just watched this. Great stuff in there, but did anyone catch the end of that first video? They show early screen tests of EVERYONE except Heath Ledger/Joker? :lol

Ra's? Check. Ducard. Check? Both Rachels? Check. Bruce in biker clothes? Check? Bruce and Ducard in cool concept LoS gear (Bruce looks cool with the dark beard there)? Check. Dent? Check. Selina? Check. Bane? Check?

It goes through everyone of them EXCCCEEEEPT Ledger Joker. That's just glaringly obvious. I mean they even did screen tests for costumes? Something as simple as Bruce in his biker gear. Yet not one glimpse of Ledger as the bank robber, or the iconic purple outfit, or cop disguise? Crazy.
I just watched this. Great stuff in there, but did anyone catch the end of that first video? They show early screen tests of EVERYONE except Heath Ledger/Joker? :lol

Ra's? Check. Ducard. Check? Both Rachels? Check. Bruce in biker clothes? Check? Bruce and Ducard in cool concept LoS gear (Bruce looks cool with the dark beard there)? Check. Dent? Check. Selina? Check. Bane? Check?

It goes through everyone of them EXCCCEEEEPT Ledger Joker. That's just glaringly obvious. I mean they even did screen tests for costumes? Something as simple as Bruce in his biker gear. Yet not one glimpse of Ledger as the bank robber, or the iconic purple outfit, or cop disguise? Crazy.

I'm sure he was omitted ON PURPOSE.........someone stopped it from being included I'm sure
Wait for them to come online.

If this had better transfers for the first two, deleted scenes (which we all know exist) and better special features that had some stuff for Ledger, it'd be a no brainer.

This though? They'll be on youtube within a month. It's not worth the price tag getting stuff you already own, unless the little art cards and crap equate to $90 for folks.

No way it's worth what they're charging, but if I find it for $35 or so, down the line, I'll pick it up. I wish that we got the set that you listed, though. Plus, am I the only one that thinks the Hot Wheels cheapen the whole thing? The whole thing screams cash grab to me.
I just watched this. Great stuff in there, but did anyone catch the end of that first video? They show early screen tests of EVERYONE except Heath Ledger/Joker? :lol

Ra's? Check. Ducard. Check? Both Rachels? Check. Bruce in biker clothes? Check? Bruce and Ducard in cool concept LoS gear (Bruce looks cool with the dark beard there)? Check. Dent? Check. Selina? Check. Bane? Check?

It goes through everyone of them EXCCCEEEEPT Ledger Joker. That's just glaringly obvious. I mean they even did screen tests for costumes? Something as simple as Bruce in his biker gear. Yet not one glimpse of Ledger as the bank robber, or the iconic purple outfit, or cop disguise? Crazy.

I can't wait until Matilda comes of age and decides it's time for the world to be able to see just what kind of work her father did.:lecture This ****'s ridiculous, though. It actually strikes me as being disrespectful; not even acknowledging him? Wow.
It just seems particularly idiotic that Nolan/WB really seems to be going out of their way to "own" Ledger's death. As if he died while making The Dark Knight (he didn't) or as if it was his final theatrical appearance (it wasn't.)

Should Brokeback Mountain/Knight's Tale/10 Things I Hate About You/The Patriot/Doctor Parnassus blu-rays all show the same "respect" by pretending he never existed? So profoundly bizarre.

Yeah, this.

I mean I don't particularly care, like others I'm sick of the cult of Ledger Joker. Just objectively speaking its ridiculous that they will discuss everything but his performance because he died sometime later.
I'm sure he was omitted ON PURPOSE.........someone stopped it from being included I'm sure

But why? One of the most iconic villians and yet they feel the need to write him off of tdkr and now this. It's stupid to me. I know the actor is gone but still.
To be fair, I think the "cult of Ledger Joker" died off sometime ago. Particularly around the time of TDKR.

People seem more caught up in the idea of Nolan Batman in general than anything else. BALE BATMAN, BALE BATMAN, BALE BATMAN, BANE, HATHAWAY. Joker seems to have been shadowed by those other entities, especially in the DC section.

It's a bit ironic too because I personally find Ledger/Joker to be the BEST thing to come out of this "Trilogy". He's certainly my favorite part. I've always felt that he's the reason this whole "Dark Knight" thing was transcended to where it is in the first place. It drives me nuts that all these things that we already knew (like Cillian almost being Batman, tests and features about Bane) are being covered, but Ledger isn't even apart of it really. The die hard Nolan Batman fans don't even really seem to care. "Eh, atleast we have this cute footage of Hathaway and Bale in costume smiling in studio that we can make tumblr gifs of, tee-hee-hee".
To be fair, I think the "cult of Ledger Joker" died off sometime ago. Particularly around the time of TDKR.

People seem more caught up in the idea of Nolan Batman in general than anything else. BALE BATMAN, BALE BATMAN, BALE BATMAN, BANE, HATHAWAY. Joker seems to have been shadowed by those other entities, especially in the DC section.

It's a bit ironic too because I personally find Ledger/Joker to be the BEST thing to come out of this "Trilogy". He's certainly my favorite part. I've always felt that he's the reason this whole "Dark Knight" thing was transcended to where it is in the first place. It drives me nuts that all these things that we already knew (like Cillian almost being Batman, tests and features about Bane) are being covered, but Ledger isn't even apart of it really. The die hard Nolan Batman fans don't even really seem to care. "Eh, atleast we have this cute footage of Hathaway and Bale in costume smiling in studio that we can make tumblr gifs of, tee-hee-hee".

I never knew that. :lol
It just seems particularly idiotic that Nolan/WB really seems to be going out of their way to "own" Ledger's death. As if he died while making The Dark Knight (he didn't) or as if it was his final theatrical appearance (it wasn't.)

Should Brokeback Mountain/Knight's Tale/10 Things I Hate About You/The Patriot/Doctor Parnassus blu-rays all show the same "respect" by pretending he never existed? So profoundly bizarre.

well if it was up to Nolan, Doctor Parnassus would have NEVER been released..... :cuckoo::rolleyes:

I mean seriously Nolan hides anything Behind the Scenes joker. Why release Dark Knight again at all?
Why doesn't Nolan try to BAN Dark Knight from being sold ever again? It has Heath Ledger as the Joker in it, Isn't that just as bad as some behind the scenes footage?
why even keep releasing and selling Dark Knight at this point? (sarcasm..)

I mean, I didn't care that he was hiding any footage of Ledger before, but now it just really seems disrespectful

It's like, Wouldn't You want to honor his memory? Wouldn't you want to honor his work?

At this point, Nolan is acting like a guy that is trying to hide an illegitimate child or something. I mean, I know he respected Heath a lot, but that's not the message i am getting here. at all.

Why not make a special feature maybe 30 minutes or something honoring Heath and his work?

Instead of hiding it? why not Honor him? wtf seriously...