NYC Seriously?

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Hey man I don't just work the drive through. I do windows too. My name is Akeem. When you think of garbage think of Akeem.

My take is this is another shot in the relatively cyclical "war" against obesity, much like they did with sugar, sodium, fat and trans-fat.
This time it will be HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup).
Government programs backed this stuff going into everything, and now that there's an "obesity" epidemic again, it's time to start saving face.

The thing that worries me most is I can't see food companies (like the one I work for) switching ingredients overnight. It took a looooong time just to get the tastes right switching from sugar to HFCS. With sugar prices where there at, I don't see these companies switching back anytime soon, either.

Makes me wonder what the end game is this time around.
Maybe they can just rename it or replace it with another chemically modified ingredient. :lol
Another factor is.....less people on welfare and getting free health care that drives the costs up for the rest of us.

We have a winner. Costs began to skyrocket in the early 70's after Medicaid was implemented. DRG's were the first attempt to reign them in. Then HMO's. At this point, hospitals are rarely paid for Medicare patients, and when they are, they're underpaid. Since the poor and elderly consume the lions' share of medical services, hospitals are forced to raise prices elsewhere to cover the costs.

Maybe they can just rename it or replace it with another chemically modified ingredient. :lol

FDA just denied them. They wanted to rename it corn sugar.

Why is sugar so expensive?
No I won. Go back a page or two. :lol
We have a winner. Costs began to skyrocket in the early 70's after Medicaid was implemented. DRG's were the first attempt to reign them in. Then HMO's. At this point, hospitals are rarely paid for Medicare patients, and when they are, they're underpaid. Since the poor and elderly consume the lions' share of medical services, hospitals are forced to raise prices elsewhere to cover the costs.

FDA just denied them. They wanted to rename it corn sugar.

Why is sugar so expensive?
Easy, people were more fit and the cost of care was way down. They also didn't have the technology to "prolong" life. IMO the reason insurance is so expensive is because so much money is spent on trying to keep the elderly alive. Sure everyone wants grandma to live forever. However those treatments are expensive. This is a huge issue that no one ever talks about for obvious reasons. It's certainly a taboo subject.

Or three. Haha!
Did anyone ask our illustrious leader what he thought about this new proposed law?

Did he say not present?

That would make everyone happy...
I will, thanks. :lol

(It's on my computer at home. I was going to do it tonight at work, I'm not. :eek:)

and when this gets locked i expect a post in the "things i hate" thread that read along the lines of.........not being able to reply to a post before the thread got locked.............:mad:..........:panic:

is just soda guys.... i cant believe soda is making so many people mad, they give that s___ in mcdonalds for free, if you have a mc cup ive seen people just go and have unlimited refills (hobos)

whats the big deal?
just buy 4 2-liter coca-colas and shut the __ up, lol