There is hypocrisy there when folks try to say that they believe in keeping the government out of EVERYTHING on the basis of my God-granted right to liberty. . .except this arbitrary situation that supports my ideological orientation, or that one. But that's just the way we are. Some folks who will rail against this will issue be the same ones who will say that they will only support a Supreme Court Justice who wants to overturn Roe v Wade. Would be nice if those folks were more honest--just admitting that they only want to restrict freedoms where it is in their ideological interest to do so. That's a legitimate opinion. People can have a complex view of the world where somethings need to be restricted for some reason or another whereas others don't.If ppl were really all that concerned over govt overreach or control they'd be fighting against the things I mention above. But they don't. In fact, I find that the ppl who claim govt tyranny the most, are the most likely to support govt control over those personal freedoms I mention.
But the rhetoric often says one thing, while the behavior says another, and it does reek of self-serving BS. Conservatives want to restrict some of the things that liberals want to do. Liberals want to restrict some of the things that conservatives want to do. Fine. Genuine libertarians are few and far between in my observations, and for good reason--it takes a tough person to be willing to make sacrifices to what you yourself are privileged to at the expense of a philosophical belief.
LOLI will not disappoint.
(Mainly because I'm not letting kara get away with thinking he stumped me.)
Just give me my Anthrax live DVD, and I'll move on

(apologies if no one gets this reference