Super Freak
Makes the PF Vader and Ben price chump change compared to the used car price of the LSF's. Will have to give them a closer look now for my first statue purchase.

You know I'm not into complaining about statues or real nitpicky on things but I had to do this in hopes it's spurs some discussion. I'm pretty disappointed. Not sure if ill ever grab this one. from the werd looking face/head to the big change in the lightsaber hilt and the creepy dead looking zombie hands. Yikes!
This really is lacking "WOW" factor for me..... Although he was an old man at this point Kenobi was one of the most skilled and powerful Jedi known.....
This representation of him is meek and mild. It carries none of the majesty it deserves.
SS has gone from the Kenobi Mythos which most are in agreement it is one of if not the BEST statue SS has produced to this.....
Not a good showing in my opinion....
Someone explain to me where the $2000 price tag comes from? I am not seeing a 'next level' paint job on this one, and the cloth looks nice, but this one is making me scratch my head. This looks like a blown up PF. Those cost, what $400ish. So, where does the other $1600 for this one go to? I understand its bigger, but $1600 worth of material bigger?
Certainly doesn't warrant the high price tag, given the changes that have been made to it. The translucent resin was supposed to have been what made these 1:2 scale pieces "special" and justify a higher price tag. The fact that Sideshow initially advertised these pieces with a new method of capturing the human features and then 3 years later backtracking on it, yet still asking for the higher price point is wrong, IMO. Nothing wrong with releasing the piece, but lower the price. That would have been the fair and right thing to do.