I have not seen this piece in person either, but have heard wonderful things about it from those who have, both here and in personal chats with those lucky enough to have been at last years party and this years SDCC with the reveal.
I'm glad he's not really for me, but he does look amazing still. The price to me is wholly unjustifiable. But still, I admit I have not seen him in person. Although at this price, it's unlikely I will ever see this one in person.
I'm only hoping that this does not make the Boba Fett release jump to the same price point. He is the only piece I want in this line so far, and I only have $30 in reward points to use up. If I cannot make him fall below $300, I won't be getting him either. Damn.
Can't fault SS for trying to make the bucks where they can. They are a business after all with tons of overhead and a Star Wars license to pay too.
Does seem like a lot of disappointed collectors around this thread right now though. And I fully understand the feeling of being priced out of the collecting nice statue toys from Sideshow game...
I'm broke as a joke, but still trying to get a few choice (for me, personal items) pieces each year from the 'ol Sideshow. Have always loved the company since my first piece. (Well, except for that one rough patch with the SSEs...)
So lets see what happens, and I hope all those who fell in love with this statue over a year ago get a chance to own it, and also that those who are peeved about the price hikes vote with their dollars and not order. To each their own, and we all have to make our own decisions on what to spend our scratch on...

Can't wait for the Boba Fett reveal!