Actually I think we do know its a problem. Of everyone on the Internet that has posted they have it, or put up pics, all of them report there s no unlit hilt. I'm not just referring to this forum.
I've yet receive mine yet. Calm down and wait till the end of the week when we get more inhand pictures.
You're clearly new to this forum but, you have much to learn you still have, young padawan.
Just because I'm new here, doesn't mean im new to forums or collecting. This is a wide spread issue and I have yet to encounter anyone who got the hilt. I'm assuming ss will have a solution, but this was my number one most anticipated piece, so calm down is not on my list of things to do today.
Just because I'm new here, doesn't mean im new to forums or collecting. This is a wide spread issue and I have yet to encounter anyone who got the hilt. I'm assuming ss will have a solution, but this was my number one most anticipated piece, so calm down is not on my list of things to do today.
Just because I'm new here, doesn't mean im new to forums or collecting. This is a wide spread issue and I have yet to encounter anyone who got the hilt. I'm assuming ss will have a solution, but this was my number one most anticipated piece, so calm down is not on my list of things to do today.
Just because I'm new here, doesn't mean im new to forums or collecting. This is a wide spread issue and I have yet to encounter anyone who got the hilt. I'm assuming ss will have a solution, but this was my number one most anticipated piece, so calm down is not on my list of things to do today.
When something goes on like this, I just try and remember that I got it good enough to spend money on this sort of thing. That there are people out there who don't know if were there next meal is going to come from or if their child will survive Cancer. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to throw you on a guilt trip. I know it's frustrating but try and look at it from that point of view. It has kept me from going overboard a few times.
At the same time SSC should and I believe will make this right.
The thing is dude is it is not clearly a widespread problem. There a only a few people who have this piece in hand. So to say the whole run is missing the saber is a bit premature at this point. Heck they may all be missing it but we don't have enough info yet. A few does not mean all... So we need to wait it out. I understand it is an anticipated piece for you but at the end of the day it's just a statue. I am sure sideshow will do something about it since it clearly looks like there is a hook on the belt and it is in the pics on the box art. I have one of these coming and hope it is just an oversight. Patience is the name of the game in high end collecting.
Has nothing to do with whether or not you are new here
I hear you. I'm not really that upset, just disappointed. I'm just discussing the news and my views on it missing. To me, that saber on his hip is iconic and I for one would be very let down if this ends up being a reality. Nothing more, nothing less.
I agree to wait and see what happens.
I always laugh at people who go nuts over HT head sculpts not being perfection....maybe I should not care so much. Nah, I still care.
But I'll wait until we have more reports before I act a fool.
I'm still curious about the edition size, website states 2000, but the base says 1200.
I hear you. I'm not really that upset, just disappointed. I'm just discussing the news and my views on it missing. To me, that saber on his hip is iconic and I for one would be very let down if this ends up being a reality. Nothing more, nothing less.
I agree to wait and see what happens.
I always laugh at people who go nuts over HT head sculpts not being perfection....maybe I should not care so much. Nah, I still care.
But I'll wait until we have more reports before I act a fool.
I'm still curious about the edition size, website states 2000, but the base says 1200.
remember they screwed up the Ex with the PF Tusken Raider, but came through in the end by mailing the Ex to everyone individually. I believe SS will make this right, if it is as widespread as we think.
Received mine at work today (#23). Quickly opened it for inspection and to look at the saber situation. There was no unlit hilt and I can't see where you would attach it. There is a hook sculpted into his belt but it is solid with no gap to use as a hook. Mine does lean, but I think it is meant to be leaning to give the effect of fighting the wind.
One thing which surprised me was the COA inside the large envelope. It is a small art print with a description by the sideshow design team on the back.
Overall I am pleased. The lightsaber hilt would be nice to have especially with the open hand.