Odds of SSC Grevious

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Lt. Vulture
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Well apparently we shouldn't discount SS doing Grevious. Over on Rebelscum's board Dave Myatt said that SS is suprised by the success of the line and are now saying never say never to things they have previously said wouldn't happen. I would love to see them take on Grevious so that Obi can have someone to use that blaster on.
Grievous is a must-buy for me. He's one of my favorite villains, even in his "weakened" state in ROTS, and he would look awesome on the shelf in his 1/6th version of his seven-foot glory! Hunched and cruel. Cough-cough...
I know it'd be pricey for a 12", but how the hell could I resist one of my favorite characters? Of course I'd be forced to buy another 12" Obi though :monkey1

Nothing would surprise me now though. To answer your question, I'd say about 75-80%
I have no doubt we will se a Grievous. No doubt.

Now when it'll happen.... I think we may wait a long time for that one.
I'd be down for a Grievous 12". I have no doubts SS will be doing some stuff we never thought of because of how well this line is doing.
Of course, he couldn't come with his blaster, right?

Are they still holding on to their promise that exclusive accessories will never be duplicated or rereleased?
I'd be up for one of these. If Hasbro can do a decent figure, I don't see why Sideshow can't.
tomandshell said:
Of course, he couldn't come with his blaster, right?

Are they still holding on to their promise that exclusive accessories will never be duplicated or rereleased?

Would HAVE to be electro staff or WHEEL BIKE!
DCFett said:
Would HAVE to be electro staff or WHEEL BIKE!

Electro staff would be a good exclusive if they truly don't remake the blaster. Of course, if its the staff, then if they ever do a bodyguard what would they have? Probably safest to assume they'll give Grievous the blaster and chalk it up to the fact that they didn't know they were going to make him when they made Obi.

Hell, he's really complicated and will have to come with 4 lightsabers and a cloak -- that's a lot for a figure they can only use once.
Wor-Gar said:
Electro staff would be a good exclusive if they truly don't remake the blaster.

Hell, he's really complicated and will have to come with 4 lightsabers and a cloak -- that's a lot for a figure they can only use once.

Yeah, but he'll sell out in a flash!
I hope that they eventually get around to Grevious... I think he's a pretty cool and very interesting looking character. Also, my fiance really likes him, so that would be one figure that she wouldn't roll her eyes about :rolleyes:
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Pjam! Is this your way of persuading SSC to make a 12" Grievous? :D

As for the exclusive, I'm with DCFett: a cape will do fine.

It'll cost more to produce with a one off body, so yes, it will be priced higher. :D
Wor-Gar said:
Electro staff would be a good exclusive if they truly don't remake the blaster. Of course, if its the staff, then if they ever do a bodyguard what would they have? Probably safest to assume they'll give Grievous the blaster and chalk it up to the fact that they didn't know they were going to make him when they made Obi.

Hell, he's really complicated and will have to come with 4 lightsabers and a cloak -- that's a lot for a figure they can only use once.
I could be mistaken, but Grievous blaster became HIS blaster, the minute he found it on the wheel bike (I presume). I never seen him carry a blaster during the entire movie. And I doubt he has one in Clone Wars. So why this blaster as an exclusive? If SSC makes a Grievous, I'm sure they find a 'equally interesting' exclusive as they have for Plo Koon... A 'Twin Bladed Lightsaber Gauntlet'! What a stupid weapon is that! It may look cool, but I doubt it's very practical. No wonder it never surpassed the concept art stadium...
Yeah, after seeing them tackle Jabba, I would think GG would be a no-brainer