Customikey said:I just don't think you should dissappoint me while teasing me.
I said that to a stripper once and she slapped me.
That's a valid point. :maul
Customikey said:I just don't think you should dissappoint me while teasing me.
Memnoch21 said:said that SS is suprised by the success of the line and are now saying never say never to things they have previously said wouldn't happen. QUOTE]
So, maybe this means they will give us a Jar Jar 1/6 figure after all.
sunohc said:hhaha too true
and techincally, in Episode 2,
when yoda fights dooku
dooku has to run away, so he makes a pillar or something start to fall on top of obi-wan and anakin.
BUT, during that time, yoda puts his lightsaber away and focuses on using the force to move the pillar away.
during that time, the dooku could've walk over and literally taken yoda down with his lightsaber.
but insteads, he chooses to run away? even with yoda busy?
stshammgod said:What Yoda, should've done, and could've easily done, was throw the pillar at Dooku's ship. Problem solved.
Memnoch21 said:How is that easily done when you could tell he was struggling just to keep it off Obi and Anakin? He saved them and dropped it just a few feet away from them, exhausted.
stshammgod said:He's Yoda. He could lift an X-Wing, he could drop it a few feel away in the direction of Dooku's ship and let it roll over there. LOL