Official 12" Hot Toys Superman returns Image Thread!

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Hey guys, sorry to necro the thread without offering pics or anything, but I wanted opinions from people with the figure. I'm dying for a 1/6 Supes and really not willing to wait on the rumored Reeve figure, plus I really want the 2-in-1 version of this guy.

Is he, in your opinion, worth between $250 - $350 or a swap for a Hot Toys Iron Man Mark I (which I'm really attached to)?

Thanks in advance.
Well, I sold a couple loose things I had laying around and managed to snag $150, so with my Supes auction ending up at $250, looks like I only spent a little over $100 for him. :)
Congrats cr0w. Now all you need is a VIP TT (AKA Advanced version) or a Wesker body to swap out. OR you can even try the T-800 body and make him more like the comic book. I'm thinking about doing that to a 2 in 1 Superman. Just need to get myself another.
Grats man.
The supes 2 in 1 is worth it. You lucked out. When I was looking for one, I couldnt find one for under $400.

I got mine at $300 and is well worth it. I thought at first that I would be disappointed comparing the costumes to other HT but to my surprise, although his costume is mostly cloth, His costume looked awesome. I love the high contrast colors, they pop out.
Here's hoping he lives up to my expectations. if only the seller would acknowledge he got my payment yesterday morning and tell me when it's shipping out, I could stop biting my fingernails. I hate waiting on Ebay sellers to respond, especially when it takes longer than a day.
Finally finished my Superboy custom. I know this isn't Superman returns but it's still part of the Superman family. Dont think these really belong in the Customs Thread cause it is in no way as note worthy as skilled customizer so I hope it can stay here.


And here is my General Zod


Heads still needs to be repainted though.
I'm not entirely sure if anything can save Mattel's Zod, but that Superboy looks great. I've always been a fan of the t-shirt/jeans look of his for some reason, I guess because it's so simple. Are you planning on repainting his hair black?
Yea. I love the t shirt and jeans look. I'm going to pain the head so he has no 5 o'clock shadow and the hair black. I've never painted a head so this is going to be a challenge. I found some tutorials on OSW site about pairing heads. Torn between the liquitex route or the Concealer route.
Anyone had any suggestions or torials about painting heads??
As for general Zod. Its by Mattel what do you expect. I hope I can find a better sculpt one day.
Yeah, I know. I guess since I'm not a fan of Superman II, that doesn't help my opinion of the figure.

When it comes to painting the Superboy, if you're not experienced in painting figures, I would highly recommend you skip painting the face to get rid of the stubble. Flesh tone is one of the hardest things to paint in my experience, and unless you have an airbrush, it's just tougher than hell to do well. I paint with all brushes, and have been painting figures for over 10 years, and I still struggle with achieving decent flesh tone.

The hair would be an easy job. Just paint it straight black. If you want to add comic-style highlights to it, get a lighter blue and drybrush (basically dip the tip of the brush into a small amount of paint, then wipe it off with a paper towel until the brush is almost dry. After you do that, just go over the hair like you would if you were painting it and the dry blue residue will fill out the texture of the hair but leave the black under the highlighted tips) it on. If you look at DC Direct's figures, many of them have it done like that. Especially the Ed McGuinness Superman figures.
has anybody tried a leonidas body to fit in the superman returns suit? the body of leonidas compliments supe's physique. it will be a great endeavor. anybody?
I don't think muscle bodies under the suit will be very necessary once the newer, bulkier True Types (with the extra thigh pieces) are released. Seems kind of a waste to pay for a pricey rubber muscle body only to cover it up with leotards. Especially one lacking articulation like Leonidas.
I don't think muscle bodies under the suit will be very necessary once the newer, bulkier True Types (with the extra thigh pieces) are released. Seems kind of a waste to pay for a pricey rubber muscle body only to cover it up with leotards. Especially one lacking articulation like Leonidas.

point taken. but it was never done before. so we'll never know. but when the HT releases new true type bodies... we'll just have to wait and see.

I actually wanted to try it but the Superman head doesn't fit on the body. Check a few post of mine that I had started. The head is the down side. :(