Just a suggestion....maybe two....I think it would be cool to have a challenge start at the beginning of a month & end at the end of the month. That way once people starting seeing the figures posted, they could get inspired and not feel like they are too late. We could have a whole month of resposes in the response thread too rather than feeling like you have to comment on 10 or 15 people's figures all at one time.
I also think January would be the perfect time for a new challenge. I think with most of us getting time off around Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, we'd have some extra time for customizing. Plus, we'd be able to kick the New Year off with a bang, right?
my ideas for possible themes:
-Futuristic (anything set in the future...Terminator, Back to the Future, Blade Runner, androids, cyberpunk, robots, etc.)
-War (anything war related,Rambo,Saving Private Ryan, Jarhead, etc.)
-Cult Classics (any characters from movies with a cult-like following, Army of Darkness, Clockwork Orange, Blade Runner, Night of the Living Dead, Barbarella, etc.)
-LOL (anything funny. It could be from Super Troopers, Harold & Kumar, Caddyshack or Dave Chappelle as Rick James or even your own funny creation pulled from your own imagination.)
All good ideas, but for myself, here is where I stand on a couple of these ideas...
Your categories, fine as submissions for votes to me. Bring on category ideas! I like the
LOL as a title for humor ones!
As for when, I can't be in it in January. I personally can't. Doesn't mean you guys can't decide to have one then, I would just hate missing out.
Why will I miss January?
Holidays, TONS of work to do between now and then, and January 25th through the 27th is the Orlando TOY FX show
and I will be getting ready most of January to go to that (clearing out work, doing what I need to to be able to go to the show, etc.), and just can't promise I could get any figures done in time. That only leaves me February, and that ain't long to make anything, but I can try. I can gather before that time.
It does give anyone else all this time though, so I hope it's not too much to ask for.
If not, cool. I just can't be as involved. That shouldn't stop a challenge though. I just hope it wouldn't be a category I really would wanna do!
HOWEVER, your other point,
the notion of a challenge lasting a month, isn't a bad idea, but, without a pretty serious deadline time, it just becomes another random thread with posts here and there for a month or however long. The whole point has been to try to get a figure or figures done BY A DEADLINE, so an
event of sorts can happen. Otherwise, I think it just loses it's luster. It becomes the "Cool Challenge of the Month Thread" and you can post and comment at leisure. That loses all interest for me. I for one need some poke in the butt to get me going and making any extra figures for any challenge. Hence the word "CHALLENGE". If it loses a lot of that, I am not in favor.
However, I am cool with a longer posting timeframe.
All this is food for thought, not some demands on my part. This is how I see these, and so far, with real deadlines and limited times to post, there is this excitement of looking forward to the day, and to see all the posts.
Who cares if responses take forever! A week, whatever! It's about the doing, and seeing what those responses are. The deadlines are not for the responses, but for the figure makers to deliver the goods.
Hope that makes it make more sense.
Anyway, ideas are what makes this fun, so
debate this. Prove me wrong. Or at least, convince me and/or others that some other structure would be more viable for a creative customs event. Either way, I will most likely defer to what I have posted above to some degree. That is my "argument" as it were, to use a phrase, but in it's lightest possible meaning.

I'm cool with change, I just feel strongly about those aspects of this. But, I can be swayed.