There must be some way to quanitfy being Sith, and not just the eyes because Dooku never had them and he was a Dark Lord.
Sidious didn't have Sith eyes either when he was being Palpatine or even when he was Palpatine fighting the Jedi.
There must be some way to quanitfy being Sith, and not just the eyes because Dooku never had them and he was a Dark Lord.
There must be some way to quanitfy being Sith, and not just the eyes because Dooku never had them and he was a Dark Lord.
Prolly the eyes come on when they are flowing with hate.
But then, the Emperor didn't get them when he was zapping Luke, and for sure his ass was pissed for being dissed.
Gets the red out.
"Georgie...have you been smoking pot again?"
"No ma...I just have fear, anger, hate, and suffering boiling over inside me."
"Thats nice, dear. Just making sure you aren't smoking that weed."
I originally passed on this fig, not being into the EU at all, but seeing Wor-Gar's pics has really peaked my interest on this particular figure. I put myself on the waitlist, which I doubt will come through, but you never know...
This is the weakest Image thread yet. Only 2 people have her??? Where are the pics??
This is the weakest Image thread yet. Only 2 people have her??? Where are the pics??
This is the weakest Image thread yet. Only 2 people have her??? Where are the pics??