Official BB/TDK Scarecrow Dr. Crane Thread

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You'll love it Guys. I now have a complete Custom. The Dr Crane, Cillian SC Head and mask (From Sov) and a Fabric Jacket, Mask and nameplate from Seb. I can dress this Guy anyway I want. Here's a Couple more Pics, same basic pose, front and back. The straps on the back are VERY Cool.



More pics to come when Wor-Gar completes his, then we can Post up pics with both barrels blazing. :D

That is sick :rock
:lol:lol:lol Nah I was just saying in general, Two-Face looks short. I just assumed all human/male HT figures were 12".

Yeah, he definitely is, but he's wearing thinner shoe heels. Joker has thicker heels and my SC is wearing Newline leather combat boots with thick heels. But TF is definitely shorter than I thought he'd be.

That is sick :rock

:rockMuch Sicker in hand, Bro, Filthy Sick, believe me.
Thanks for all the kind words, Guys. But all credit goes to Seb. As I'm shipping off My TF head to Seb this week, I thought I'd take a Final Shot of him before his Mod with a few others I call..



More SC Pics to Come when Wor-Gar completes his in a few weeks. :blackbat

Gang of Villains is always cool!

Cillian is 5'9 - hmm maybe using the slim TT body on him would be a good idea? But then futzing all his clothes and gear would be a pain... I think i'll still with narrow shoulder TT for screcrow (WIP).
I have mine on a TT Slim, with a sovereign mask. Looks pretty good alongside Batman and co. (though i'd still like one of Seb's masks better)
Someone asked for my Scarecrow with the CHAINSAW head as the stand in. Here it is:


As you can clearly see, Seb needs to get me a mask! :lol
Buttmunch, I think you're probably better off using the Movie Master "Scarecrow mask evidence" accessory than that sack! That mask with some tweeking really isn't all that bad. Not anything near the quality of Seb's, but still not bad. If I had a body and suit, I'd be using that mask. But I've decided to hold off on getting anything until I know I'm getting that mask.
:lol I know! Help me Seb, you're my only hope!

You've got it going, Pix. Tie and suit are perfect. I have the same exact set up from BB's "It's the Bat Man" scene and that is when SC was caught, so he wore that suit and tie underneath the straightjacket at Arkham and the jailbreak escape. :blackbat
Just keeps reminding me how much Hot Toys needed to make a Scarecrow figure!! Oh well... maybe if he's in the next film too perhaps we'll get one then :D