Official Harry Potter Figure Discussion Thread

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Do you have Mad-Eye yourself or are you just going with what the complainers have said here? I really don't think the complaints are warranted, nor does Crawford in his review.

I have Mad-Eye, and while I do think the material for the coat probably wasn't right, I don't think it's a huge deal at all. Also, people freaked out over his magic eye. Granted, it looks bad in a macro flash picture, but in person, it looks absolutely fine.
Snape needs a more furrowed brow, lowered eyebrows, eyes need to be brought closer to the bridge of his nose, nose needs to be a hair wider, and the lips need a bit more pout and frown, peaking towards the philtrum. I feel like Star Ace is taking on a bit too much at once; they've gone zero to sixty, and that almost never ends well. They Aced (pun intended) the kids and Voldemort, and even Serius with some of his drawbacks, was solid. Go back to that formula.
Do you have Mad-Eye yourself

Yes, Dave, as I've said - I have all of the Star Ace figures and several each of Harry, Ron and Voldemort. The only one I don't have is the deluxe McQueen.

or are you just going with what the complainers have said here?

No, Dave I'm more than capable of making my own mind up about figures and I think that's a bit unfair and snide.

I really don't think the complaints are warranted, nor does Crawford in his review.

We know you're a staunch defender of Star Ace, and that's fine, and life's to short to get into an argument with you, but seeing as you're attacking me for having an opinion - although I don't think the eye is too bad - because you have to look really close, I wasn't impressed by the coat. As I've said - not for the money I paid.

Your forum is supposed to be for intelligent discussion about a shared passion. I even said that in my post, but you still feel the need to go on the attack. You've done this to me several times now and I've seen you do it unfairly to others.

I am now done with this site.

Thank you all. Good luck collecting. And I really do hope that Star Ace bring out fantastic figures!
Well, that's just great. Anx10us was one of them biggest supporters of Star Ace here. Clearly now supporting something through and through while being critical because you want something the best it can be for the money we spend...only makes you a complainer.
Yes, Dave, as I've said - I have all of the Star Ace figures and several each of Harry, Ron and Voldemort. The only one I don't have is the deluxe McQueen.

No, Dave I'm more than capable of making my own mind up about figures and I think that's a bit unfair and snide.

We know you're a staunch defender of Star Ace, and that's fine, and life's to short to get into an argument with you, but seeing as you're attacking me for having an opinion - although I don't think the eye is too bad - because you have to look really close, I wasn't impressed by the coat. As I've said - not for the money I paid.

Your forum is supposed to be for intelligent discussion about a shared passion. I even said that in my post, but you still feel the need to go on the attack. You've done this to me several times now and I've seen you do it unfairly to others.

I am now done with this site.

Thank you all. Good luck collecting. And I really do hope that Star Ace bring out fantastic figures!

It truly wasn't meant to be snide - I'm very curious how people form opinions. I know that many people here only respond to what others have said rather than form their own opinions. I commend you for being a supporter of the line although we obviously disagree about Moody.

All opinions are welcome, however if I think any figure - Star Ace, threezero, Sideshow, Hot Toys, BCS, etc. is being portrayed unfairly - I will speak up. I don't want this forum to be one sided to the negative that could potentially hurt a company - especially when I think the criticism is unwarranted.
It truly wasn't meant to be snide - I'm very curious how people form opinions. I know that many people here only respond to what others have said rather than form their own opinions. I commend you for being a supporter of the line although we obviously disagree about Moody.

All opinions are welcome, however if I think any figure - Star Ace, threezero, Sideshow, Hot Toys, BCS, etc. is being portrayed unfairly - I will speak up. I don't want this forum to be one sided to the negative that could potentially hurt a company - especially when I think the criticism is unwarranted.

I for one think its great that you're working with Star Ace and happen to run one of the most popular collecting forums. I would think all this "complaining" would possiblly benefit you and Star Ace not potentially hurt them. I mean a clear majority of us have called out this Snape portrait in three main areas, which was aided by you posting the side by side. I would think that with your relationship you'd be able to say "Hey SA, here is what a majority of my community is saying." And they can do or not do what they see fit (or maybe you don't have that type of "pull" with them, I dunno)." But if you think this Snape is spot on and everything SA does is spot on...then I guess then we are just complainers.

I've been quite critical while saying I'm in for majority of everything they do. And you have proved me wrong many times when I've been critical (another benefit, I might add). I'll still get Snape if nothings changed. I'm still getting Moody although its clear (to me) that either SA couldn't replicate the prototype or they photoshopped the official pics to make it better then it was. And maybe he is better in hand, I'll find out soon. If in hand shots of Moody and people "complaining" are hurting sales then that should tell us and SA something. That something went amiss. The people who are cancelling or not buying are forming their own opinions to cancel or not buy based on what they see from Michael's or anyone else's pics. Not because they read Anx10us or mine of whoever's complaining opinions.

Your relationship with SA gives this forum somewhat unique insight into a fantastic company. I don't think anyone of us here that are supporting these figures while giving criticism wants their opinions diminished to what's above.
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I for one think its great that you're working with Star Ace and happen to run one of the most popular collecting forums. I would think all this "complaining" would possiblly benefit you and Star Ace not potentially hurt them. I mean a clear majority of us have called out this Snape portrait in three main areas, which was aided by you posting the side by side. I would think that with your relationship you'd be able to say "Hey SA, here is what a majority of my community is saying." And they can do or not do what they see fit (or maybe you don't have that type of "pull" with them, I dunno)." But if you think this Snape is spot on and everything SA does is spot on...then I guess then we are just complainers.

I've been quite critical while saying I'm in for majority of everything they do. And you have proved me wrong many times when I've been critical (another benefit, I might add). I'll still get Snape if nothings changed. I'm still getting Moody although its clear (to me) that either SA couldn't replicate the prototype or they photoshopped the official pics to make it better then it was. And maybe he is better in hand, I'll find out soon. If in hand shots of Moody and people "complaining" are hurting sales then that should tell us and SA something. That something went amiss. The people who are cancelling or not buying are forming their own opinions to cancel or not buy based on what they see from Michael's or anyone else's pics. Not because they read Anx10us or mine of whoever's complaining opinions.

Your relationship with SA gives this forum somewhat unique insight into a fantastic company. I don't think anyone of us here that are supporting these figures while giving criticism wants their opinions diminished to what's above.

Seeing things in person is very different from just looking at photos. Snape looks very different from the Medicom Snape which was pretty well praised for likeness. My point in posting pics comparing SA Snape to Rickman was to point out that the SA figure could look like Snape without looking exactly like Medicom's.

People may have a different perception of the figures than I do or the creators at Star Ace. But ultimately it's their decision as artists that have been working closely with the source material, have seen every iteration of the sculpt and know the limitations of the license and production possibilities.
Right, guys. Dave has been in contact, explained, and we’ve smoothed it over. He’s a good guy and I appreciate this forum a great deal.

May I be the first to apologise to you all for being sensitive. I should’ve PM’d Dave with my problem with him, rather than bitching about it here. I just have a huge sense of right and wrong, even though I’m often the one who’s wrong. Just ask the Mrs!

So, movin’ on. . .

I truly support Star Ace – they’re freakin’ great, and if they read these comments (which I’m sure they do) I want them to know that they definitely have supportive fans!

So, this is for STAR ACE – My personal criticisms are all meant to be positive, as I’m sure are a lot of other people’s here. We just want you guys to knock it out of the park every time. But, I also won’t shy away from commenting when I feel something doesn’t look quite right – because otherwise the quality won’t be there, you’ll sell less figures, and may even stop making them! Like I’ve said before – PLEASE MAKE EVERY CHARACTER! *cough* Bellatrix *cough* :)

It sometimes doesn’t help that I’m a huge HP fan because, yes, that does make me nitpicky. Not to mention the 300+ 1/6 scale figures I now own. . . yikes.

Here's a pic of my HP figures. This is just a temporary cabinet, so not futzed etc. And only an iphone!


For those interested, I bought the table and benches from Ebay. The table legs were too tall so I cut them down. And, I stained it all darker.
Anx10us- Love the table with Ron and Harry playing chess. I found a table for my guys that I think will work, now I'm just working on finding chairs! I
am looking for an in scale stool for my sorting hat as well.

I know I'm new to this line, but I've really been impressed with the 3 figures (Harry, Ron and Sirius) I have so far, and I plan on adding Voldemort next. I am really excited for the rest of the figures shown at the NY Comic Con as well. Hoping we will get McGonagall as well.
The table came with the bench from China - Ebay as a set. Around £30 - $50.

I've come to the conclusion that the stool will be next to impossible to get, unless someone can custom make them, because the original had spiral/knurled legs. I did look at modifying a 1/6 scale bar stool, but have left it to see if SA do an accessory. I know I asked them once about the benches & table and they were considering supplying them, but that must be very low on their priority list right now.
I have supported Star ACE and the HP line since the beginning. They have done a good job. I do feel like they are slipping a little in terms of quality. There are issues with Mad-Eye and even Michael Crawford pointed them out. I have read Crawford's reviews for years. I trust him. 1/6 figures are getting more and more expensive and most of us cannot just blindly hand over this kind of money any longer. If Star Ace, SSC, HT's wants to charge these prices, then we expect more quality. The sculpt for Mad-Eye is very good. The Coat is a major part of the outfit and could be better. The paint is a little dark on the face. The actor is more pale than this. I want Star Ace to improve and sell more figures. I don't want them to be like SSC and give us a Jango with a purple tunic and loose parts. Their Voldemort is fantastic. People have correctly pointed out how Snape could be better and there is nothing wrong with this. Snape is a very beloved character and most of us want him to be on par with Voldemort. If a company charges more, we expect more. This is not being negative.
I have supported Star ACE and the HP line since the beginning. They have done a good job. I do feel like they are slipping a little in terms of quality. There are issues with Mad-Eye and even Michael Crawford pointed them out. I have read Crawford's reviews for years. I trust him. 1/6 figures are getting more and more expensive and most of us cannot just blindly hand over this kind of money any longer. If Star Ace, SSC, HT's wants to charge these prices, then we expect more quality. The sculpt for Mad-Eye is very good. The Coat is a major part of the outfit and could be better. The paint is a little dark on the face. The actor is more pale than this. I want Star Ace to improve and sell more figures. I don't want them to be like SSC and give us a Jango with a purple tunic and loose parts. Their Voldemort is fantastic. People have correctly pointed out how Snape could be better and there is nothing wrong with this. Snape is a very beloved character and most of us want him to be on par with Voldemort. If a company charges more, we expect more. This is not being negative.

perfectly put. :clap
Still incredibly disappointed on how Snape looks. They did the exact same version as Medicom. Deathly Hallows is the definitive Snape. So far, Star Ace has blown their chance.
I have a couple of questions for members here:

1. Has anyone got the Sirius Prisoner version yet?

It's not in the UK, as far as I know, but I see some people have him across the pond. He looks good, apart from the neck joint being exposed - I'm not a fan of exposed joints - but there's not much SA could've done about that. I think I'll custom the headsculpt and dirty it up, just to distinguish it from the other version.

2. Who's gonna get R+H casual versions?

I think I'm going to have to - as I'm a completest - but as usual the UK price the retailers are asking is a total ripoff, so not sure.

When I move to the US, I'll be glad - because you guys get good/fair prices. We quite often pay at least 30% more. At least!
I'm a bit of a completest too Anx10us, so I'll probably be adding the casual versions.

I haven't seen Prisoner Sirius in stock anywhere yet. I'm going to have to pick him up as my other Sirius has a spot on the tip of his nose where the paint was rubbed off during shipping and the seller on ebay basically told me "it happens, get some paint and fix him yourself". Needless to say I won't be buying from that seller anymore. Anyway, I want to get the other Sirius for that reason.

I have been waiting for Mad Eye to come back in stock at Sideshow too.
seller on ebay basically told me "it happens, get some paint and fix him yourself". Needless to say I won't be buying from that seller anymore.

That's not acceptable. You've received a product "not as described" and it's their responsibility to put it right. It doesn't just happen. If you're in the UK, the law states that it's also their responsibility to pay return postage - although I've had a few fights over that in the past. Either way, do not accept it, whatever country you're in. It's not right.

The SA products are great, but the paint rub will devalue it by a large amount if you ever come to sell it on.

What seller was it? A shop on Ebay? I started a 1/6 buyer/seller thread - link is below in my signature.
I'm a bit of a completest too Anx10us, so I'll probably be adding the casual versions.

I haven't seen Prisoner Sirius in stock anywhere yet. I'm going to have to pick him up as my other Sirius has a spot on the tip of his nose where the paint was rubbed off during shipping and the seller on ebay basically told me "it happens, get some paint and fix him yourself". Needless to say I won't be buying from that seller anymore. Anyway, I want to get the other Sirius for that reason.

I have been waiting for Mad Eye to come back in stock at Sideshow too.

Looks like a PayPal dispute against the seller is in order.
Thanks for the advice Anx10us and Underworld54.

I haven't gotten a response from the seller (I replied to their response on Thursday (the 15th). I let them know that I expected the option of return and replacement. If I don't get an answer by early next week I will definitely leave them negative feedback. I've never had to open a paypal dispute and I hate the thought of having to do it, but I definitely would never buy from this seller again, even though the price was really good and the shipping was fast.
Thanks for the advice Anx10us and Underworld54.

I haven't gotten a response from the seller (I replied to their response on Thursday (the 15th). I let them know that I expected the option of return and replacement. If I don't get an answer by early next week I will definitely leave them negative feedback. I've never had to open a paypal dispute and I hate the thought of having to do it, but I definitely would never buy from this seller again, even though the price was really good and the shipping was fast.

Maybe he knew of the damage.