Super Freak
Well, duh.
As opposed to this?
The underlying sculpt is amazing, don't get me wrong. But if the HT version looks Asian, then the Sideshow version looks Middle Eastern.
What's epic about the SS piece's pose?
I'm not really knocking the sideshow piece, but I do think that for this particular subject, a mixed media approach is more appropriate. Take this shot of the maquette for example. There's a lot of detail there, but it's all obviously sculpted in. On the HT piece, there are real wires and pieces of armor, as well as fabric underneath it all, and it really helps give it a sense of realism.
That is a horrific pic of his face. That doesnt look like what is on my shelf. The picture with flash has washed out the detail. You also need to see it from the side to see the wrinkles and character that is in the face. Yes, it does look like Robert Downey Jr. and the hot toys does not. I still like the hot toys version dont get me wrong. I would just never be able to stand the head.
The detail is sculpted in the SS version but it does have mixed media. There are cables and rubber and various things. But not as much as the hot toys. The "epic" pose is when you place him on the base and take a pic from straight on-which makes him face you at a 45 degree angle. Thats what you see if you place it on a shelf. But if you turn it angled where the base isnt straight then he is just standing there looking off in another direction.