Official Hot Toys Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow DX06 Spec + Pics

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cant be coincidental that they announce/release so many Depp's at the same time. It's certainly not a great strategy to get most to buy several by giving them knowledge of multiples. Might there be a time constraint on the likeliness rights with Depp?
For those who have Davy Jones, is the sculpt really off that much that HT could do a new one and blow it out of the water like they have with the DX vs. the AWE?
For those who have Davy Jones, is the sculpt really off that much that HT could do a new one and blow it out of the water like they have with the DX vs. the AWE?

Look at that coat, the yellow painted on, yuck. I want real cloth parts on a not glossed head. If they did it today it would be a knock out.

And he looks short to me, in the movie hes taller then Jack without the help of his hat.
Deckard great post and thanks for the links :goodpost: :clap

I agree real cloth is the only way to go, I was unaware of the quality of the original Davy.
Real cloth could only be used on certain areas of Jones. There would just be to many growths on him to not make some areas rubber like they did originally. I coud just see the horror stories of them falling off during shipment if they were just glued on.
Real cloth could only be used on certain areas of Jones. There would just be to many growths on him to not make some areas rubber like they did originally. I coud just see the horror stories of them falling off during shipment if they were just glued on.

Good point.

How about instead of gluing them they make them magnetic? :dunno
You make the jacket of cloth, and then all the little flower barnacle things have like a plug on the other side, think of them sort of like buttons but with a big enough plug that they dont come unbuttoned.
Too much texture to his costume, a cloth one would probably be like Two-Face's coat, which is still stiff and useless, no gain.

Davy was and to me, still is, one of HT's best figure efforts ever, a marvel, the only thing I could see them really improving today would be his height. Sure everything would be better to some extent, but not so much it's like wow, so glad they improved him, not like new Jack to old Jack.
Hes not THAT short. Besides, that wont be much of an issue now with the DX Jack being the correct scale.

The Jones figure is shorter than Jack, hell its a hair shorter than Elizabeth. Keira is 5'7". Johnny is 5'10". Bill Nighy is 6'2" so yeah it's too ******* short.
The Jones figure is shorter than Jack, hell its a hair shorter than Elizabeth. Keira is 5'7". Johnny is 5'10". Bill Nighy is 6'2" so yeah it's too ******* short.

The fact that DJ is almost the same height as the HT T-800, makes it fine by me. I guess they best change the T-800s scale too, huh. Guess they are both "too ******* short then".

And you seemed to disregard the fact that HT has fixed Depp's scale with the DX...

Now Jack and Jones can display just fine. It's Swan that will look like a behemoth next to Jack. :lol
The fact that DJ is almost the same height as the HT T-800, makes it fine by me. I guess they best change the T-800s scale too, huh. Guess they are both "too ******* short then".

And you seemed to disregard the fact that HT has fixed Depp's scale with the DX...

Now Jack and Jones can display just fine. It's Swan that will look like a behemoth next to Jack. :lol

Ding ding! :exactly:
Too much texture to his costume, a cloth one would probably be like Two-Face's coat, which is still stiff and useless, no gain.

Davy was and to me, still is, one of HT's best figure efforts ever, a marvel, the only thing I could see them really improving today would be his height. Sure everything would be better to some extent, but not so much it's like wow, so glad they improved him, not like new Jack to old Jack.

Indeed. I was late on picking him up and I was impressed even to todays standards of figures. Theres no need or reason for HT to return to Jones, and I dont think they intend too.
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