SSC email for January 3 makes my order a bit of a dilemma, as BBTS may well start shipping their long telescope version earlier. If it turns out there are no OS shipping restrictions on the LT set, it'll set me back about $240 shipped with my POL. Sticking with SSC will set me back around $275 for the regular edition.
Worst case scenario is I cancel with SSC, get stung for shipping anyway if I leave it too late to cancel, BBTS tell me they can't ship this set OS after all, and SSC's set is then waitlisted.
Best case scenario BBTS ship the LT version next week and I cancel my order with SSC in time not to get stung for shipping.
If BBTS could guarantee they'd at least ship the regular edition if they can't ship the LT edition, it'd be a no-brainer