Super Freak
Any T-850, in any scale from any company, better come with a hand you can talk to.
^ In fairness to that in T3, the Terminator never needed sunglasses beyond the first film. It just looked cool and became a thing.
It works in T2 though, it's a laugh right after a scare thinking he's going to harm the bar owner. It gets ridiculous in T3 because first he puts on silly glasses, and as mentioned, how would he know good ones from bad ones. Then later, after he loses them, he jumps at a chance to replace them. In T3 they're only comedy and that's what rubs people the wrong way.
We wanted T-800 to change, and we wanted Sarah to change; she starts out one way, becomes fixated on that, ends up becoming more of a machine that he does. We wanted the two of them to change characters as the film went on: she becomes the Terminator while he becomes a human being. And it's partly through the Terminator's transformation that she understands what humanity really is.
As Cameron himself explains, there are two transitions occurring: over the course of the film, Sarah becomes the Terminator and the T-800 becomes a human being — both of which are symbolized by the sunglasses (or lack thereof)
The sunglasses are an important story device in The Terminator and T2. In the first movie they meant to dehumanize T-800 more and more as the movie progresses and as he takes on more damage, becoming less and less human-like in appearance. In T2...the sunglasses have an even deeper meaning and message. The sunglasses symbolize his gradual transformation — he wears the sunglasses in the beginning when he is nothing more than a killer with a blank mind and loses them when he's starting his journey to become more human...
Whether you buy into it or not, I do believe everything Cameron did had purpose. I don't even know who directed T3 but it's clear watching the movie that there was no deep concepts being explored. The moral lesson was nothing new to Terminator, the T-800/850 was a gag more than anything. The movie has moments but gets too silly at times.
And Nick Stahl is the worst actor to play Connor, the guy from T2 was better and he didn't speakSeriously though, Stahl is almost as whiny as Furlong, but Furlong was a kid so it works, adult Connor should be better.
And that's with the Sgt. Candy scene taken out. (speaking of Sgt Candy, that guy should have been investigated for the murders of 17 police officers)
And Nick Stahl is the worst actor to play Connor, the guy from T2 was better and he didn't speakSeriously though, Stahl is almost as whiny as Furlong, but Furlong was a kid so it works, adult Connor should be better.
Stahl has a punchable face and in no way did he do the character justice. The only thing I liked about him was his reaction when he finds out he's dead in the future, "Oh...well, that... sucks." Always makes me smile when I see it.
Broke down and picked up my first terminator figure today. Very impressed overall with ultimate T-800. My only real gripe is that his minigun is warped to hell. Hopefully I can fix that with some boiling water. Everything else is perfect.
That never worked for me. The gun or leg or whatever it might be would just revert to its warped shape after a short time.
That's an outstanding point.
If you dislike Nick Stahl, I highly recommend Bully.![]()