just... WOW.
just... WOW.
I cut off the excess lights and put on a T2 license plate. If only I could get accurate saddlebags. None seem to exist.
You're right they don´t... at least not a decent ones that can fill the expectatives of a freaky fans like usI've benn working on a custom ones based on screen caps, will post my progress later.
BTW your figure is looking awsome dude!!! congrats!!!
Word in the Alien thread is NECA are making Newt. That makes me wonder if their plans for T2's anniversary might include that one missing character....![]()
They just announced they are making Newt from Alien (shows willingness to delve into younger characters), and they heavily alluded to major things incoming for T2 products this fall. So I think it's a safe bet to say yes.So is it true NECA is making John Connor?
Looking good! Already better than anything else. Maybe slightly too curved at the bottom and the top flap on the real saddlebags is like a lid that covers the sides too but very nice job. Nothing else I've seen looks even remotely close.
Yeah, I don't see them making a Newt but no John Connor. That'd be nuts. Randy was always saying how kids don't sell well, how female characters don't sell well. Well if you're making a Newt, I don't see why you wouldn't make John Connor.
Here's what I'm thinking we'll see this year,
- Ultimate Tech Noir T-800 (duh)
- Ultimate Police Shootout T-800
- Ultimate Motorcycle Cop T-1000
- Ultimate Steel Mill/Battle Damaged T-800
- Ultimate John Connor
- 1/4 Steel Mill T-800
At that point, there's a lot of potential for variants and repaints. They could make an easy Pescadero Sarah by utilizing the head, arms and upper torso from Ultimate Sarah. We could potentially see a bunch of the weird T-1000 looks like when he gets split in two with the rod or a "shocked", broken nitrogen Motorcycle cop. They could do a bunch of cool Kenner repaints. Steel Mill T-1000 is a no brainer. Fun times ahead. I was satisfied when we just had the T-800 and T-1000 variants, but now we have quite the substantial collection, a collection I've always wanted to see done since I was a kid.
You´re right didn't put the taps side-covers because of this image:
But now I see that they actually exist, will correcto the bottom curve also, thanks for your comments.
Terminator license > Aliens license
John Connor > Newt
It'd be nuts to design, create and make the tooling for "Rebecca" (probably the least toyetic figure a company could make) and her baby doll head, and not John Connor, the pivotal character from the movies with the bike, computer, and Endoskeleton parts . I'd be pissed.
He's a key character and the last one they need to finish off the Terminator 2 line. It'd be a huge oversight to produce Newt but not Connor.