My first thoughts on the ultimate tech noir. No loose pics just yet, I'm still doing paint touch ups on all 3 heads.
Overall I'm impressed. I never owned the original releases, they came out before I started buying neca stuff. Judging by pics and youtube vids I'd say the paint apps on this new version are a lot better/cleaner than the older releases.
I did see paint issues here and there while picking mine out at the store, mostly the hair and the eyes. Nothing serious but it's something to watch out for.
I had no stuck joints for once. His knees and shoulders are stiff, but they were not frozen like other neca figures right out of the box.
My only complaint would be with the hands. More specifically the fingertips, as they are painted rather sloppy on most of the samples I saw. I also wish they had cast the hands in black plastic, instead they are cast in grey and painted over in gloss black with the flesh and silver painted over that. Hopefully the black paint doesn't wear off over time. The fingers just look very cheap/sloppy compared to the cleaner paint apps that are all over the rest of the figure.
As for the one leg longer than the other syndrome, mine seems to be fine. His right leg might be just a hair longer, but it doesn't affect his ability to stand. It's nowhere near as bad as with Sarah Connor.
All 3 guns are a rubbery plastic, so parts of them are prone to be warped in the packaging. Mine are ok, but I saw some that bent up pretty bad. The uzi barrel, the whole shotgun, and the laser scope on the pistol are the things to watch for warpage.
The swappable parts all work great, didn't have to heat or trim anything to make them fit.
I love the box, even though there's a typo on the cover that I can't unsee now.
Very happy to finally have an original terminator in my collection, I've been wanting them to do this ever since they started making terminator ultimates.
Now bring on the police station version!