Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Re: 【NECA T2 2nd wave in store pics】

Exactly and if NECA put a stop to their T2 line as is, I'll be happy having what I have but I'll still regret their decision because no one else will take up the mantle. And if they did they certainly wouldn't care about filling in the gaps left by NECA.

Tankman might be bored of making T2 figures now but what about any given time in the future when hes really back in a T2 mood and their license for it has expired? It may come as a regret to them that they took the line so far but then stopped short of making a few more great figure candidates.
Re: 【NECA T2 2nd wave in store pics】

I have a feeling, based on how many figures are in this line and the release of the T2:3D Arnie figure, NECA's probably already put a great deal of thought into this line and planned it all out. I think they've considered every possible candidate for release and whatever's coming out is what they think is worth putting out. I haven't seen NECA do a line so full of figures like this and come back later. I've seen them spread single releases out, but not lines like this.
Re: NECA T-1000

I'm hoping a Hot Toys T-1000 would give us every damage head we could want, but if they do or don't, I think this site will see some interesting customs made from or for the figure. Although who knows, maybe it's cuz of the quality of the Sideshow T-1000, or maybe the character, but most customs are T-800, don't see many T-1000 customs, which is a shame because there's lots more room for imagination there I think, with the liquid metal and coming up with deformations that could happen.
Re: NECA T-1000

I once made a crude split head T-1000 custom out of the McFarlane figure. Crude because:

- I cut the screaming headsculpt in half down the centre and I hilariously thought that I could create the blown apart liquid metal parts by holding a lighter underneath the head and melting it - reshaping it that way and then painting it chrome. It quickly became apparent that that wasn't going to work and now I had scorched T-1000 head to work on.

-So I had to chrome over these scorched parts that should have kept the original hair and skin colour paint.

-I used something I called mall-ah (phonetic spelling there, not sure it its right or if thats what the stuff is actually called) to create the liquid metal add on bits and sprayed them chrome. Some of the chrome paint went where it shouldn't despite my efforts

-Also I haphazardly cut a section of neck from a spare donut headsculpt and stuck it at the base of my new splithead because its own neck wasn't long enough to go with the standard McFarlane T-1000 torso. The ugly cut was highly visible.

Anyway it was passable from a distance but close-up it was a disaster. I say 'was' because it has since been destroyed after various wear and tear. No reason to care as of 2010.
Re: NECA T-1000

What I love about these Hot Toys and NECA figures is it reminds me of all the cool stuff you'd see in the background of every Stan Winston interview in DVD extras - Predators, Terminators, aliens and dinosaurs all mixed in together. With these figures I feel like I have all that stuff and I can mix them together like that too.
Re: NECA T-1000

I love those interviews, seeing things like the Predator, T-800, JP T-Rex and all that together in one space, some of my most favorite creatures ever. They had a statue of final BD T-800 down at one of the Disney parks in Florida, tooks some photos but the hair looked weird on it, still cool to see something like that up close, might have been real costume bits, i don't know, some of the things at the park were real, others just replicas.
Re: NECA T-1000

Its going to be interesting to see the HT T-1000 now. While I think the HT T-800 slightly misses the mark in its underlying sculpt in terms of its shortface dimensions, it seems NECA have given their T-1000 a bit of an overlong face. Its possible you won't be seeing any argument from me that little low end NECA did better than Hot Toys when the latter reveal their T-1000 - if their tendency toward shorter faces continues it would actually be more accurate. Or maybe not, we'll see.
Re: NECA T-1000

Its going to be interesting to see the HT T-1000 now. While I think the HT T-800 slightly misses the mark in its underlying sculpt in terms of its shortface dimensions, it seems NECA have given their T-1000 a bit of an overlong face. Its possible you won't be seeing any argument from me that little low end NECA did better than Hot Toys when the latter reveal their T-1000 - if their tendency toward shorter faces continues it would actually be more accurate. Or maybe not, we'll see.

If HOT TOYS nails the T-1000 (better than they nailed the Arnold) i may have to pick it up. It will be my 1st Hot Toys figure.

the physique of the NECA looks great, but the face is a bit off.
Re: NECA T-1000

You're not getting the HT T-800? Are you waiting for the BD version? It just seems like if you were planning on buying the HT T-1000 surely you have to have a HT T-800.

I'll ultimately be displaying my entire Terminator collection together but if I'm going to pretend any interraction between figures HT will be sticking with HT and NECA will be sticking with NECA.
Re: NECA T-1000

Same here, though for me it'll be Sideswho, NECA and HT. I was going to have the NECA 12" Pescadero mixed with Sideshow's figures with the Sideshow T-800 on the bike originally because it's so much closer to the T-800's look, but now with a whole HT collection of nicer looking figures than the SSC lineupe (except Sarah's sculpt) I can just leave the Sideshow group as is.
Re: NECA T-1000

You're not getting the HT T-800? Are you waiting for the BD version? It just seems like if you were planning on buying the HT T-1000 surely you have to have a HT T-800.

I'll ultimately be displaying my entire Terminator collection together but if I'm going to pretend any interraction between figures HT will be sticking with HT and NECA will be sticking with NECA.

the NECA 12" Terminator 2 figures are all I need. For me it doesn't make sense to spend $150+ on a T-800 Hot Toys figure, when I have basically the same figure already on my shelf. The Hot Toys brings some cool options to the table, but it's likeness is rivaled and possibly bested by NECA's 12" Pescadero and Final Battle.

I don't own any Hot Toys figures, and to be honest I've never been interested in owning any of them (except for Iron Man Mark III). If the NECA T-1000 looks good in-hand I will prob pick that up and save the extra $120.00 for future purchases.

The only 12" figure I spent $$$$ on is my Enterbay Bruce Lee.
Re: NECA T-1000

Each to his own needs then. You're saving the money because theres somewhere else you want to spend it so as to diversify your collection. For me my first priority is any and all Terminator/predator/Aliens/Robocop poseable figures. This year I'm passing on things that would bring more variety to my collection so that I can get the entirety of both Hot Toys and NECAs Terminator and Predator lines...and multiples of many of them too.

Theres no word yet on a 12" T-1000 from NECA though so who knows, for 1/6th Hot Toys might end up being your only option. As I recall NECA haven't been totally happy with sales of their 12" T-800s.
Re: NECA T-1000

I'm still crossing fingers for a 12" metal T-1000, it's so unique. Where the 12" T-800s have Sideshow and Hot Toys for competition of sorts, the T-1000 would be unique as you're not going to get a full liquid metal out of either, it needs a fully sculpted figure to look best, NECA's would be a rare item and I'd think for T2 fans, sought after as it's a rare chance to have the unique feature of the T-1000 full displayed instead of partial things like the hook arms and split head.
Re: NECA T-1000

I'm still crossing fingers for a 12" metal T-1000, it's so unique. Where the 12" T-800s have Sideshow and Hot Toys for competition of sorts, the T-1000 would be unique as you're not going to get a full liquid metal out of either, it needs a fully sculpted figure to look best, NECA's would be a rare item and I'd think for T2 fans, sought after as it's a rare chance to have the unique feature of the T-1000 full displayed instead of partial things like the hook arms and split head.

True, NECA is the only way we could get a 1/6th all-chrome T-1000. I just have doubts that it will happen though. It wouldn't be the most visually interesting or instantly identifiable to a casual buyer which NECA has to cater to. A must-buy for T2 fans who know what it is they're looking for but NECA wants to get the impulse buyers too. And an impulse buyer would be more inclined towards 12" versions of the other 2 T-1000s if anything...I would think, maybe you disagree.
Re: NECA T-1000

Given where I see NECA products sold, Toys R Us and teenager-geared specialty shops in malls, I would say the BD or Chrome T-1000 figures would have the best chances for sales in a general market because of their odd appearance, where the standard cop figure would probably struggle because to the casual buyer, it's just a 12" cop. The chrome one could sell not only to NECA collectors but even non-NECA collectors. I'm sure some folks just buidling T2 12" figure collections would be tempted by it because of it's unique look and being the only way to really have that in the collection, people who are mostly for getting Sideshow and Hot Toys 12" might make exception for a chrome 12" because of how unique it is and how necessary being made by a company like NECA it is to get a figure like that.
Re: NECA T-1000

I'm just going on the fact that, even for me as a Predator fan, I was never really interested in the 'cloaked' Predator figures. They looked too easy like there was no real work behind them. They didn't seem worth the money even at McFarlane/NECA prices. So I think for casual buyers an all chrome (or worse - all silver) T-1000 just wouldn't be all that interesting.