Gee thanks guys!
I always did want a movie Skeletor figure!

He ruled!
Seriously though, I am extremely pleased to see that this Elder repaint inspires some of you to try and do this. It is HARD, as it takes about all the techniques in the book to do, layers and layers of them, then you undo some, then redo again, and so on and so forth. But, as it is more right brain stuff, more loose and energetic type of painting, it is actually easier than a clean accurate face repainting is.
You can mess up all day on a predator, and no one notices! Although, I am trying NOT to on this one!
His body intimidates me some, but I will attack the paint on it later.
Hope to see light of day soon here. Look for more than you have ever seen from me on this one. I'm talking details and more! You'll see! This Elder has been painted in my mind now for months! Just ask Twistedfreak! He and I talked of this long ago.
Anyway, hope I have more pics soon. He is TOO COOL!!!!!!
Now, to snag that P2!!!!! Anyone got one ordered yet?