I'll have him displayed with his helmet on so no worries!!!
That's probrably what HT was betting on when they decided to change the cool proto paint app to the now production paint app,but hey maybe it just cost too much even for HT.
Ok, both P2 pieces are on pre-order... :chew
After seeing all the shots, who could refuse...
Do think there will be more from the orginal movies? Or should I just get the Elder from AvP ?
i just hope they aren't thinking anything along those lines for the Elder Predator. The paint apps on his face are perfect right now, and I really hope that the production pieces look that good.
No,the Elder Predator paint apps should remain the same.The only reason I think they held back on the Predator 2 is because they had to do the paint apps on the mask and the head,which is what they did with the AVP Preds.All of the AVP Preds heads were the same,Scar was the only one that was different and that difference was only the markings he burnt on his forehead.
I't may just be that it cost more to have the mask and the head with great paint apps and they didn't really feel HT needed to jack up the price because they were probrably like "hey if there going to just cover the face with the mask anyway,then why waist the money on making the face look great.
If you've noticed that the price of the Elder Pred is $144.99 and it doesn't even have a mask,don't know what that's about.
It's just BS that they didn't put the same attention to detail on the face regardless of the mask or not. the whole point is to be able to display it with or without the mask. further, for the price these things cost, we demand better paints apps on the faces. as much as i love getting my faces painted my the talented painters on this board, really, these figures should be perfect right out of the box.
problem is, it still doesn't stop me from picking them up!!
I've been holding out for P1 Predator. As cool as these are, I'm not fan enough of the designs to budget them into the mix, but once P1 becomes available, I'm going to be all over it, and I hope it gets the paint apps HT is capable of and the figure deserves. It should be the centerpiece of the Predator line, without that one, none of the others would have followed.
I've been holding out for P1 Predator. As cool as these are, I'm not fan enough of the designs to budget them into the mix, but once P1 becomes available, I'm going to be all over it, and I hope it gets the paint apps HT is capable of and the figure deserves. It should be the centerpiece of the Predator line, without that one, none of the others would have followed.