I'm begging...PLEASE Ridley...DO NOT use ADI's creature designs.
PLEASE go back to Giger's original design!!
I'm begging...PLEASE Ridley...DO NOT use ADI's creature designs.
PLEASE go back to Giger's original design!!
I don't think that will happen and I bet Giger will be back on this film. I only hope CGI isn't the only way Ridley will go with this. I hope we get a great movie and a really great new Alien monster. I'll be really geeked and am looking forward to this more than anything coming up. As far as it becoming like Star Wars. I don't think Ridley would ever turn something to crap like Lucas did. For most people out there Alien was turned to crap back in 1992. It can only improve I would think. I'm hoping I will get to sculpt the new Alien. Oh yeah.
Now when I go back I think 3 is awesome
I really want a Ferrari, I get gifted a Lamborghini and I think damn! Until it sinks in...
The workprint of Alien 3 is amazing. I wish Fincher would relent and give us a Directors Cut.
The workprint IS the Directors Cut. Its as close as possible to what Fincher wanted.
Yeah, I suppose. I watched it again last night and just wished that cut included Ripley's chestburster and that Fox would stump up some extra cash to improve some of the effects.
Aliens was going to be the end of the Ripley story and should have been.
But it's the typical 'Hollywood Happy Ending'. Ripley gets a boyfriend and daughter and lives happily ever. While I admit Alien 3 isn't as scary (though I think the scenes in the workprint of capturing the Beast and the extended corridor chase are pretty tense) I loved the bleak feel to the movie, where Ripley has lost everything and the only way She can win is to lose (her life).
I'd really prefer to have a situation similar to Alien just chronologically beforehand. I don't want the Action bonanza that was Aliens but the hermetically sealed terror of the first and third.
It made you care about all the characters, and it had a perfect ending because most people were pleased to see Ripley's nightmare is over. Her daughter has died and Newt's family have died, Bishop is messed up and Hicks is the only survivor of his squad, is that not enough suffering?
crappy Terminator 2 ending
I could go on and on about how much I hate Alien 3.