Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread
alien:R was a better movie than alien 3, both suck but at least A:R had more going for it and was closer to aliens, if you took alien 3 out and not make Ripley a clone or anything it could have worked. like if Newt never died, if they arranged the story a little, which is what alien 3 was supposed to be anyway.
I dont understand why alien 3 had to be such a turd, how hard was it to make a decent movie? why kill Newt and Hicks, that was the biggest slap on the face to any fan of aliens, that alone makes A3 be like a bad nightmare, one of the most idiotic plots. Michael Biehn should have been in A3
also, where the hell did the magic alien egg came from? and why did it have two facehuggers? wtf? that also was stupid,
A3 has some good acting and some good sets, but the creature looked awful, the movie was really slow and it bored me
In my cinematic world, Alien 3 and A:R are over extended cryo induced nightmares.
They were eventually rescued. I have never gone beyond that.
Alien 3 pissed me off with killing off Newt and Hicks but the ridiculous Queen grab whilst falling into a giant furnace. Pathetic.
A3 was a good movie but you could have put any monster in it's place IMO and it still be as good. I just don't like it as official cannon.
alien:R was a better movie than alien 3, both suck but at least A:R had more going for it and was closer to aliens, if you took alien 3 out and not make Ripley a clone or anything it could have worked. like if Newt never died, if they arranged the story a little, which is what alien 3 was supposed to be anyway.
I dont understand why alien 3 had to be such a turd, how hard was it to make a decent movie? why kill Newt and Hicks, that was the biggest slap on the face to any fan of aliens, that alone makes A3 be like a bad nightmare, one of the most idiotic plots. Michael Biehn should have been in A3
also, where the hell did the magic alien egg came from? and why did it have two facehuggers? wtf? that also was stupid,
A3 has some good acting and some good sets, but the creature looked awful, the movie was really slow and it bored me