Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Well, I don't want to spoil this, but the second and third movies have already been written and I have a story board peek at the third which takes place when Shaw returns to earth. She takes a sample of the ooze back to earth, but is not careful with it and ends up spilling some on earth life... well, you can see what happens from this top secret storyboard I found...


Storyboard of Dr. Shaw with ooze mutates from upcoming Prometheus movie.

Just.. comic gold right there.


Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I think people are raising too many questions that doesn't matter really.I felt like i got the most important questions about the engineers answered.They created human life by sacrificing an engineer by drinking that black stuff in the cup,same black goo that was in that Room with the statue mixed with the planets resources(I think),like water was mixed with the goo the engineer drank.

What happened in that ship is not important,we know hell broke loose because of their experiments.

If there are something to be bothered about,it would be the poor character development,Fassbender stole the show while the rest was left in the shadow.Didn't care for any of them really.
I really wanted to think that this was the same planet as the one in Alien,it sure looked to end in a way that could make you believe that.The crashed ship,Engineer in his seat as seen in the original Alien,the Alien we are familiar with born.

The exit is one of the biggest WTF moments i have ever seen in a serious movie,a Woman taking an Alien ship and seeking revenge on the Engineers,ALONE:slap
If it was for the escape,alright but going on another adventure alone taking on the engineers?

Like i said,i liked the story about the engineers and their purpose,but anything else the movie offered was nothing special.
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Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I think people are raising too many questions that doesn't matter really.I felt like i got the most important questions about the engineers answered.They created human life by sacrificing an engineer by drinking that black stuff in the cup,same black goo that was in that Room with the statue mixed with the planets resources(I think),like water was mixed with the goo the engineer drank.

What happened in that ship is not important,we know hell broke loose because of their experiments.

If there are something to be bothered about,it would be the poor character development,Fassbender stole the show while the rest was left in the shadow.Didn't care for any of them really.
I really wanted to think that this was the same planet as the one in Alien,it sure looked to end in a way that could make you believe that.The crashed ship,Engineer in his seat as seen in the original Alien,the Alien we are familiar with born.

The exit is one of the biggest WTF moments i have ever seen in a serious movie,a Woman taking an Alien ship and seeking revenge on the Engineers,ALONE:slap
If it was for the escape,alright but going on another adventure alone taking on the engineers?

Like i said,i liked the story about the engineers and their purpose,but anything else the movie offered was nothing special.

She wasn't gonna go take on the engineers, she was going to go ask them why they created them and now why they want to destroy them.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Not joking, you can clearly tell these leaked super secret storyboards are detailing Noomi Rapace, who else could this be? :dunno


99.7% definite match
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

In the future, there will be EvP movies, detailing interactions between the Engineers and Predators, call it my 6th sense, but I just see this happening down the road after Scott has moved on to other projects. The engineers just have too much "cool" factor at this point in time not to be exploited.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

She wasn't gonna go take on the engineers, she was going to go ask them why they created them and now why they want to destroy them.

I'd think after we saw what the one Space Jockey did to David when he tried to communicate with it and the subsequent killing of Weyland and everybody else, and having an alien monster fetus inside of her, the answer wouldn't really be something that could even be obtained or wanted. Wouldn't they probably just kill her when she got to their planet? If it was me, I'd just want to go home.
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Saw it last night in IMAX 3D and overall found it very interesting. Not sure that I loved all of it. Still, I will buy it on bluray and take it in again and again. Despite its flaws, it was a helluva film.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

She wasn't gonna go take on the engineers, she was going to go ask them why they created them and now why they want to destroy them.

I know that's what she said,but how stupid does that sound after everything she went through?
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Great movie! But it left more questions than answers!

I had to really sit back and think about it for a little bit because I had mixed feelings. On one hand I was confused and disappointed because I expected somewhat of an ALIEN prequel while on the other hand I thought it was a great movie and set up a lot of new mythology and curiosities about the Space Jockey race.

This is why Ridley Scott really tried to distance the movie from ALIEN, because if you go into it LOOKING for all the ALIEN connections, you're going to be disappointed and think it sucks.

The Space Jockey race is an enigma. Are they creators AND destroyers? Is one group of Engneers CREATORS while the other are DESTROYERS? Using this black ooze to do both? Just because one Jockey smashed David and Weyland doesn't mean they are ALL hostile.

I really hope they do a sequel!
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I'd think after we saw what the one Space Jockey did to David when he tried to communicate with it and the subsequent killing of Weyland and everybody else, the answer wouldn't really be something that could even be obtained. Wouldn't they probably just kill her when she got to their planet?

I don't think they'll kill her right away, If Ridley Scott is involved in the likely sequel....she'll be alive for a bit. There has to be room for story if her and David go to the Space Jockey home world.

But something interesting is that before the Space Jockey attacked them, he was pausing and sorta listening to them. It wasn't until David said what he said that the Space Jockey went ballistic. Do we really know what David said? He knew the language, and he could easily have ignored Weyland and said what he himself wanted to say instead. Space Jockeys wanting to destroy humankind aside; maybe in that room on an isolated planet it's what David said that ticked him off.

I know that's what she said,but how stupid does that sound after everything she went through?

I don't think it's stupid, what does she have left to lose? Nothing, she lost everything. So ____ it let's go to the Space Jockey home world and see if we can talk to them.

But also, let's go crash the ship into their planet and infect it with this bio-weapon.

But again, if there is to be story in a sequel, she'll land safely on the planet and explore a bit before doing any harm.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I think Noomi Rapace is pretty cute, but she does have that crazy look to her.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Prometheus 2... ____ happens on the alien ship. (boarded by another engineer vessel & contamination on board) EPIC FAIL :panic:

Prometheus 3.... ship crashes on LV426 :impatient:
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

They did a good job representing that the Engineer was going through stasis sickness. Think about his situation. 2000 years of stasis, he was on his way to "reboot" one of their colonies. I think David just confirmed what he couldn't believe he was seeing. When he went to sleep I'm sure the last thing he expected to see were the "humans" in their ship. Once he realized what went wrong, he didn't think twice about correcting thew situation.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Great movie! But it left more questions than answers!

I had to really sit back and think about it for a little bit because I had mixed feelings. On one hand I was confused and disappointed because I expected somewhat of an ALIEN prequel while on the other hand I thought it was a great movie and set up a lot of new mythology and curiosities about the Space Jockey race.

This is why Ridley Scott really tried to distance the movie from ALIEN, because if you go into it LOOKING for all the ALIEN connections, you're going to be disappointed and think it sucks.

The Space Jockey race is an enigma. Are they creators AND destroyers? Is one group of Engneers CREATORS while the other are DESTROYERS? Using this black ooze to do both? Just because one Jockey smashed David and Weyland doesn't mean they are ALL hostile.

I really hope they do a sequel!

There was no proof besides human supposition that there are destroyers among the engineers. The Captain assumed the ship was military due to it having "WMD's" onboard, but ultimately the movie failed to show this to be true, it actually seemd to contradict the Captain and show the ship to be a scientific vessel.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

For a sequel's sake, if they make one, they probably wouldn't kill her so they can keep the story going. However, if I was her, I wouldn't really expect any answers from a species that wanted to destroy the human race, engineered bio-weapons that mutated people into monsters, and when one was finally contacted it went berserk and killed everybody that was left. It doesn't seem like a very promising expedition. I'd also expect there to be more human characters introduced into the movie if they do a sequel. I don't think they'd do one with just Noomi, Fassbender head, and the Space Jockeys.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I saw the beginning as a sacrifice to create life on Earth, but maybe that was his sentence for some wrongdoing and the other engineers were just using him for an experiment as with the alien DNA.

I think the beginning, while definitely left to interpretations, is all about the Greek Prometheus tale. The Engineer who falls stole 'goo' (fire) to create (give to) humans. I think he did this unknowingly, and did not know it would have ill effects for him. So, in a way as his DNA made us, his punishment for eternity is to die through mortal humans, over and over just as Prometheus is punished for eternity. The Engineer who strokes David's head before ripping it off could have admired that humans had reached immortality through androids before ultimately getting pissed off that the 'eternal punishment' for Prometheus had been side stepped.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I think the beginning, while definitely left to interpretations, is all about the Greek Prometheus tale. The Engineer who falls stole 'goo' (fire) to create (give to) humans. I think he did this unknowingly, and did not know it would have ill effects for him. So, in a way as his DNA made us, his punishment for eternity is to die through mortal humans, over and over just as Prometheus is punished for eternity.

The other Engineers decide to hatch a plan (which goes wrong as seen in the holograms) to wipe out humanity.

The big hole in this theory is that up until the life of Christ (coincidence?) the engineers were coming back and showing their "human" livestock things including the base which was the moon Prometheus traveled to. Something A) would have to had to change around the time Christ lived that made them want to destroy the humans (which honeslty makes no sense unless they just wanted to kind of reboot with better materials they had developed) or B)the mission from 2000 years ago was actually a "phase2" where they developed better ooze to introduced to the genetic materials. Unfortunately, both humans infected directly were killed off before we could see what full and lasting effects would have been.

Think about it. If the moon Prometheus landed on was a "military base" instead of a science base why would the engineers be showing the humans where it was when they visited? Thats just silly.