Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I mean come on. I'm a Alien fanboy all the way. I leave and breath this ____. I think about an Alien every single day of my life at one point.

My dream goal is to make an Alien flick.

I expected nothing other then a Space Jockey, and some monsters.

I was ready for anything.

We share a similar ambition :wink1:
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!


Most likely won't happen. But ____. Whatever. I love the series more then anything. :D
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I'd be down for that too. :lol

I mean, you just gotta get the right characters to care about, so when the Aliens and Predators start fighting, it's not a big wait game.

If I did it right, you wouldn't even remember what the movie was supposed to be, you'd be like "Man, I want these characters to do what they're doing...oh ____, there's an Alien, and a Predator...I forgot about that, I was so invested in the story and characters!"

Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Can we just have one Prometheus thread now. I think it's time to merge the other two threads together too. Too much going on.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I can see that, but then the goo is just a zombie-maker? That's it?

So how does the squid come out of all this?

Be interesting to see what would happen if Shaw came into direct contact with the goo like Holloway and Fifield. She was the only female to be infected by it, but it was in a different form via Holloway's mutated sperm.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread



So much more wicked!

Haven't seen the movie yet! But those images are sweet! I got to get a day off and get to a theater!
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Well, what else do you expect from a _____ who can't run sideways? :gah:

I liked the movie the first time although there were some clear problems with the script,and continuity. It was only after about a day and a half of thinking about it that it came clear how big those problems really were. I saw it the second time to make sure I had not missed something, since I really wanted this to be a GREAT movie. I didn't expect Alien, but a thoughtful and deeper sci-fi epic. In my opinion there was way too much Alien in Prometheus.
And I will be buying it later, IF its at least about an hour longer cut.

Ha! When we saw it last night during that scene my wife turned to me & made a hand motion like "turn right!" :lol

And you're exactly had too much "Alien" in it in that it rehashed too many plot elements just for rehashings' sake. I appreciated the origin of the space jockey, the birth of the Xeno, etc, but rehashing the android with questionable motives (and his head ;) ) and the whole stomach pop thing felt forced and lazy.

Prometheus ultimately disappoints. As much effort as they put into the striking visuals & intense action, the plot, story & scripting was really lackluster & poorly executed. It was clunky, full of ridiculous character motivations, lacking in narrative clarity and went downhill into borderline stupidity toward the end. It wasn't a bad movie per se, and in IMAX 3D it was very cool to look at. And it did have a fair amount of intrigue and action...but it's all triggered by a lot of smart people doing a lot of very dumb things. I expect more than that from a Ridley Scott movie...that kind of stuff belongs in a teenage horror movie. I could use the old "dumb blond" analogy but I think you get the idea. YMMV and you might want to see it & judge for yourself. Based on the viral video I was hoping we would get an intelligent, thoughtful sci-fi flick. Turns out the viral was the smartest part of the movie.
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

OK, 2 is a rhetorical question, but I guess she's there because she's a big name, and a good actress that gets bums on seats?

Guy Pierce is just an extended cameo, and he's reprising his role that he played in a viral video as a much younger man.

Notice he also talks about T.E Lawrence, which David styles himself on based on Peter O'tool's portrayal of him in Lawrence of Arabia.

"We, are the gods now."

I wonder how the Engineers would of reacted to that...
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

They really shouldn't have deleted the young Weyland scene, if they'd kept it, Guy Pearce being old Weyland would have made sense.

They didn't really need Charlize, she might be a big name, but most people going to see this went because it was connected to Alien.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Be interesting to see what would happen if Shaw came into direct contact with the goo like Holloway and Fifield. She was the only female to be infected by it, but it was in a different form via Holloway's mutated sperm.

That's a very good thought. Perhaps it could be in the sequal.....
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

They really shouldn't have deleted the young Weyland scene, if they'd kept it, Guy Pearce being old Weyland would have made sense.

They didn't really need Charlize, she might be a big name, but most people going to see this went because it was connected to Alien.

Yep, Viral speech > his actual movie appearance.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

the goo turned the space worms into vagi-snakes/hammerpedes
turned jockeys to dust...ala self destruct mode
turned humans into a rampaging mofo zombie at its final stage/fifield
*holloway was a fluke, he got an underdose of the goo and then got laid
Unfortunately we won't know, at least not unless more is explained in a sequel what its final mutation is for humans. Fifield could have been in a meta stage for all we know. Both he and Holloway were terminated, so... :dunno

I noticed that the engineer and the ship were slightly different than those on L-V223. The ship was a totally different design, and the engineer didn't have the "lungs" on the sides of his neck like the one on L-V223. This could be a mistake, as it coUld be part of the suit.
I didn't notice, but to be honest since this ship was over 2,000 years old I am glad to see theres differences in the designs. Thats one thing I wish they could have captured better was thatthis time period was pre-Alien tech by about 30 years, but it felt higher tech to me, which was one of the immersion problems I had with the film. I tried to just ooo and aaah at the graphics, but I failed and found myself constantly examining the tech they used through out.

Here's another question: what were the engineers running from in the holographs? Why were they all piled up at the door?

Remember, the goo deconstructs them only. And there's no xeno yet.

Whatever was bursting through their heads. They need to learn to handle their goo better, lol. Something obviously came into contact and got mutated.

Be interesting to see what would happen if Shaw came into direct contact with the goo like Holloway and Fifield. She was the only female to be infected by it, but it was in a different form via Holloway's mutated sperm.

Well, I don't want to spoil this, but the second and third movies have already been written and I have a story board peek at the third which takes place when Shaw returns to earth. She takes a sample of the ooze back to earth, but is not careful with it and ends up spilling some on earth life... well, you can see what happens from this top secret storyboard I found...


Storyboard of Dr. Shaw with ooze mutates from upcoming Prometheus movie.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Theres a youtube link posted a few days ago in this thread that pics up where the camrip left off. (you will know your getting close to the video with lots of OMG and birth scene talk)

Nup, no scene. Went through about every post . Yes, about meaning could not be bothered checking every page. Checked every 2nd page. :monkey1
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

It's always Weylands fault, trying to make better worlds but ends up either infecting, destroying or filling with xenomorphs which then causes predators to come in and do their job when all they want is a good weekend home with the family.:monkey2
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Overall, I liked it. Some characters, Noomi in particular, did things that didn't make any sense, but still a very cool movie that makes you think after you've seen it, which is very rare for a big budget Summer film like this one.

David stole the show for me. That Fassbender is movie magic.

One thing that bugged me a bit was the use of all the touch screens. Sci-fi movies don't like buttons anymore, but with this taking place before Alien, I'd like to see some f'n buttons.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

The movie was epic! I was blown away last night.