Finally saw this last night in spectacular 3D.
But this was no KOTCS, it was a great film.
Not perfect, in fact I do have some slight initial issues with it.
and lastly
4. They showed too much in the trailers! "Its going to earth," "If we don't stop it there won't be an earth to return to," and then two ships crashing together. Come on guys! You think we can't piece together that they crash the Prometheus into the engineer ship to stop it from departing?
Noomi's Elizabeth Shaw was pitch perfect and on par with the legendary Ellen Ripley. Some great takes on old themes, the movie really kept me on my toes (other than the aforementioned ship collision) and I can't wait to soak it in further.
IMy biggest complaint is that it took away the mytery of the original Space Jockey and the derelict ship from the original Alien film which I saw when I was only 9. In a sense, I wanted to know but in a way, I didn't want to know either.
Engineers have small junk.
Well? How is it? I'm considering getting it.
Engineers have small junk.
Somebody commented earlier that Guy Pearce had an acting range that was limited to moody n' broody. He does tend to take on those kinds of roles a lot, but not for a lack of range imo. Remember him in Priscilla? I thought he did a good job as Weyland.
A couple more random ponderings:
One annoying thing I've noticed about every single sci-fi prequel out there: the technology always looks so much more advanced than the movies they're supposed to predate. Technically Star Wars had an excuse for this but it was still kind of jarring.
That was probably put in there so people would have a better idea of what the planet's purpose was.
I can't remember what he says exactly, but the way Janek said it, it seemed more like an estimated guess. Like his own theory based on what he's seen. The ampules, the ooze, the piled up dead Engineers, the hologram..and I think it was right after the mutated Fifield scene.
There were actually many more similarities between the two movies...but the difference is that Prometheus got it right.![]()
Absolutely worth picking up via Amazon.
Absolutely worth picking up via Amazon.
This is acknowledged in the art book. The designer said although the film takes place 20-30 yrs before Alien, the reason for the technology being far more advanced on Prometheus is because it is the "Flagship" of Weyland Industries. Prometheus got the best technology there was (a lot which I would say was experimental; Vickers wasn't even sure everyone would survive stasis). The MedPod was only one of twelve and still in prototype phase (info is at
Whereas the Nostromo was only fitted with the minimal things it needed to do its job. The Nostromo certainly didnt need a medpod, the company doesnt care about their miners that much. By the time of Alien, technology was stable enough for stasis machines and such to function without a hitch, etc. So the Nostromo and it's technology was a stripped down (cheaper) version of Prometheus.
That's seriously messed up.![]()
I was particularly impressed with two scenes featuring Vickers. Her torching Holloway and also her demise at the end of the film. I found both scenes to be tragic and even a little disturbing. Gave great "weight" to the surrounding events, IMO, something lacking from the series since the first five minutes of Alien 3.
2. The fact that both ladies fell when running from the crashing engineer ship but neither stopped to help the other. Another annoying movie cliche avoided.
You'll never see that because the film will always be newer then the original. You have to make a new film, with up to date effects.