Gorman was incapable of doing anything that required thinking outside of the SOP manual. Xenomorph is just a generic term for an intelligent terrestrial life form. The Marines were a specialized unit that was trained to deal with hostile alien life forms. The Bug Stompers squadron log on the side of their dropship insinuated they were a unit that was trained for combat against hostile terrestrial life forms. They acted like they didn't care about another encounter, like it wasn't the first case of Marines going into combat against other alien life forms before. It was more of a 'been there and done that' attitude and one more 'hostile bug' to deal with wouldn't be anything special. To me that's not the attitude of scared soldiers that might be potentially dealing with something as vicious as Ripley described. It's hardly the reaction you'd expect from people that hadn't encountered hostile alien life forms before.
So it's not unreasonable to assume that Colonial Marines had had run-ins with some pretty mean life forms before, and weren't particularly phased by the unique features of this new "Xenomporph" species Ripley described. Even though it was unique, It was still just another dangerous alien that needed to be dealt with, and that comes with the job.
Back to Prometheus.
Agreed on all points, but one: I wouldn't say Ridley returning is a shame, since I doubt anyone will ever count Prometheus as an official part of the Alien series. While it's obviously a prequel, the chances of seeing a pentology box set 10 years from now are slim. Then again, it is Fox we're talking about...
Just found it!
This trailer is amazing!!!
This trailers is full of empty spaces waiting to be filled.... I don't know how anyone could say Aliens will defn be in the film unless theres something I missed.
This trailers is full of empty spaces waiting to be filled.
Unless we start seeing those Space Jockeys running around kicking ass then something else is the Big Bad. There's a basement full of Alien eggs on that ship.
Just sayin.