Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread
I have a strong feeling that this will be the suit that the "space jockeys" (engineers) wear. It will, in my strong opinion, be like a battle suit they wear when touching down on a planet after the terraform process is over and the resources need to be collected, and the indigenous population needs to be vacated. The suit I believe will be used, in a sense, not just for protection, but for impregnation. Someone mentioned the jockey attaching it's face to it's host earlier, you got it! This race of beings, it seems, has there whole technology base on this very per-versed bio mechanical, bio-warfare thing down packed!
Now just imagine.. The space jockey's show up near the planet that needs it resources plundered. They launch, not nukes, but these eggs and Xenomorphs AND GOD KNOWS WHAT THE BIO HELL ELSE ON TO IT. Then, when most of the planet is cleared, they touch down in these bio-weapon- suits and use them to slaughter, as well as to impregnate the locals. Now, to me this seems even more sick and grotesque than the alien and face hugger combined.
I think it's going to be a real surprise when the audience sees the humanoid engineer in the movie walking around on it's own, there not going to be expecting this being and the jockey to be one in the same. Then for the engineer to press a button, suit comes out of the wall and then the engineer merges with it. Holly _____k! That is going to be the coolest scene in the whole movie!
I think the engineer's might even have more tricks up it's sleeve. I think you will see some Transformers style stuff in this. I know that might not sit well with a lot of you, but you have to admit.. Transformers did make a lot of money.
Not only is this movie going to show this new type of creature and what it can do. But to know it's going to be controlled by a more advanced version of ourselves is even more demented! In a good way I should say.
Also this is not it. We are going to see an array of creatures in this. We're talking the engineers entire bio-mechanical technology. And there arsenal.
This is going to be a fun movie. And I have a strong feeling we are going to see a James Cameron style "Aliens" movie as will as a Ridley Scott movie. I really feel this is the is what we're going to get. This will be a sci fi horror as well as an action adventure film. You can't have one or the other when talking about the "gods and engineers" and the human element.