Official Sideshow Crimson Guards!

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Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

I no longer have the original figures, but wasn't it a flintlock on his leg?

I always just assumed it was a "Peacemaker" style revolver. :huh

Ive always liked that SSC has put their own touch to each figure...not sure their aim has ever been to replicate the original characters as they were. I think this is a great figure and I believe everyone is going to be happy when they have the guards with CCC on the throne. I promise there will be several posters with their pics of the 3 together.....and throne.
Whos still haten on CCC now?

Everybody with standards? :dunno :lol
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

Ive always liked that SSC has put their own touch to each figure...not sure their aim has ever been to replicate the original characters as they were. I think this is a great figure and I believe everyone is going to be happy when they have the guards with CCC on the throne. I promise there will be several posters with their pics of the 3 together.....and throne.

Whos still haten on CCC now?

Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

I am real happy to get the CG, I can't stand the pleather and I don't much care for the helmet. I will order him, but that jacket is the worst, what are they thinking? I have never ordered on the first day, what time do they put up the presale?

Sounds like someone has money burning a hole in his pocket...:lol

I have to agree though, that jacket is the worst.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

I haven't bought the others but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have bought the Crimson Guard if it was designed better (and better in my "opinion" is closer to the original design). But no, as it stands now, I have no plans on buying THIS Crimson Guard because I think it looks terrible. Again.. my opinion.

Yah, see... I've looked at all of these in hand and for the cost, it's not what I would have wanted.

Um, you know Sideshow has a return policy that says, "If you're not completely satisfied you can return the item...."

You should buy one figure, and open it out of the box.

Part of the action figure process is opening a figure new. When you open it, you can put him together how you want. You want a more original look, it's not too hard to get with these figures. You may even find you are happier with the look Sideshow came up with. Stick him on the shelf for a week, and then talk to me. I recommend Duke first, then Beachhead. I don't believe you can get those figures and come back here and tell me you don't like them.

*The only figure that has issues out of the box is Snake Eyes, cause the body is loose, manufacturing error, should never have happened. But he looks amazing on the Truetype Advanced anyway, so who cares. Even then, SE out of the box is awesome.

*The red ninja has the pants are too low problem, but this figure is incredible, and it's not hard to stick some scrap red cloth behind the lower legs. It would be a shame to miss out on these figures if you are the fan you say you are.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

I like it. Not blown away, but far from disappointed. The thing I like least about the jacket is how it covers the belt in front. Should be a much darker shade of red too, but that might just be the lighting. Material and sheen are less important to me than that he actually be crimson.

I also would have preferred a Peacemaker style .45, but the Desert Eagle is pretty mean too, and I can't imagine a revolver would be hard to track down.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

Yea, would look better if the jacket was tucked like the original figure.

But hey could be worse. Could look like the awesome SS Rouge!!
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

I think, overall they did a good job on the Crimson Guard, but the pleather ruins it for me.

A full cloth outfit would have made this tops.

I see no logic in Sideshow not reusing CCC's uniform.

Because that outfit is horrible.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

I like it. Not blown away, but far from disappointed. The thing I like least about the jacket is how it covers the belt in front. Should be a much darker shade of red too, but that might just be the lighting. Material and sheen are less important to me than that he actually be crimson.

I also would have preferred a Peacemaker style .45, but the Desert Eagle is pretty mean too, and I can't imagine a revolver would be hard to track down.

I couldn't put my finger on what looked weird until I read this. It needs the double belts to break up all the red, I'm sure it would look much better with the belts over the jacket.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

That jacket is ass, time to start looking for a replacement. Everything else is top notch.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

It is. And it's a bit of a bummer that they didn't make the CG's jackets direct variations of that because it looked really cool. Only thing wrong with it was that it was on Cobra Commander.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

Um, you know Sideshow has a return policy that says, "If you're not completely satisfied you can return the item...."

You should buy one figure, and open it out of the box.

Part of the action figure process is opening a figure new. When you open it, you can put him together how you want. You want a more original look, it's not too hard to get with these figures. You may even find you are happier with the look Sideshow came up with. Stick him on the shelf for a week, and then talk to me. I recommend Duke first, then Beachhead. I don't believe you can get those figures and come back here and tell me you don't like them.

*The only figure that has issues out of the box is Snake Eyes, cause the body is loose, manufacturing error, should never have happened. But he looks amazing on the Truetype Advanced anyway, so who cares. Even then, SE out of the box is awesome.

*The red ninja has the pants are too low problem, but this figure is incredible, and it's not hard to stick some scrap red cloth behind the lower legs. It would be a shame to miss out on these figures if you are the fan you say you are.

Yah, right out of the gate, I was extremely disappointed with Snake Eyes. And then Cobra Commander (I don't mind sculpted head but put some fabric over that hood to make it look consistent with the rest of the body please) and then it went down hill from there.

As I said before, Cobra Trooper and Viper have been their strongest accomplishments as far as staying true to the originals, but aren't iconic enough for me personally to own without a accurate face-plate Cobra Commander. Crimson Guard IS one of those that I would own on by itself but they dropped the ball with me. There are Joes that come close but have head sculpts that are below my personal expectations. Call me picky, I really don't mind the hate.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

They ARE the best 12" G.I.Joes ever made, I will not argue that. But they're not the G.I.Joes I want. They're too different (Firefly) or not good enough (Snake Eyes). I'm glad you're all happy with the line, honestly, but I'm :cuckoo: like that. I love the toon and vintage toy line too darn much. Those are 12" figures I wanted. Maybe someday I'll get my wish.:pray:

While I think you're being too hard on the SSC CG, I actually understand completely where you're coming from. I so desperately wanted this to be a high end "GI Joe: A Real American Hero" line that I turned a blind eye to a number of the "reimaginings" early on, assuming they'd be few and far between.

But as I've said recently when I look at photos of people's complete collections now it looks like a line of custom or Devil's Due figures. Not what I have ever wanted AT ALL.

Sideshow has claimed to be big "fans" of classic GI Joe. Well so was Devil's Due. And I wonder if they're more concerned with putting their stamp on the brand than doing the brand justice.

The figures feel like GI Joe versions of the Star Wars special editions. With SW Lucas took 1970's footage and patched it with dated 90's and now 2011 CGI and even completely replaced some classic characters with new updated versions. With SSC's GI Joe we have characters like Duke who is still a Viet Nam vet but now wields a 2011 assault rifle. He looks great for being a 60 year old dude!

Don't get me wrong, he's a great figure and the only one still in my collection. But the line doesn't feel classic to me anymore. I know, SSC said "from the beginning" that they'd be borrowing elements and philosophies from Devil's Due. Good for them for sticking to their guns. I wonder how many more figures they would have sold if they catered to the thousands who abhor the DD fan crap and remain loyal to classic ARAH.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

While I think you're being too hard on the SSC CG, I actually understand completely where you're coming from. I so desperately wanted this to be a high end "GI Joe: A Real American Hero" line that I turned a blind eye to a number of the "reimaginings" early on, assuming they'd be few and far between.

But as I've said recently when I look at photos of people's complete collections now it looks like a line of custom or Devil's Due figures. Not what I have ever wanted AT ALL.

Sideshow has claimed to be big "fans" of classic GI Joe. Well so was Devil's Due. And I wonder if they're more concerned with putting their stamp on the brand than doing the brand justice.

The figures feel like GI Joe versions of the Star Wars special editions. With SW Lucas took 1970's footage and patched it with dated 90's and now 2011 CGI and even completely replaced some classic characters with new updated versions. With SSC's GI Joe we have characters like Duke who is still a Viet Nam vet but now wields a 2011 assault rifle. He looks great for being a 60 year old dude!

Don't get me wrong, he's a great figure and the only one still in my collection. But the line doesn't feel classic to me anymore. I know, SSC said "from the beginning" that they'd be borrowing elements and philosophies from Devil's Due. Good for them for sticking to their guns. I wonder how many more figures they would have sold if they catered to the thousands who abhor the DD fan crap and remain loyal to classic ARAH.

While I don't agree with the whiny comparison to the Special Editions (give it a ____ing rest for Christ's sake :lol), the bolded is a fair statement and to some extent I can see that happening and I agree.
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

While I don't agree with the whiny comparison to the Special Editions (give it a ____ing rest for Christ's sake :lol), the bolded is a fair statement and to some extent I can see that happening and I agree.

You only disagree with the comparison because you like the SW Special Editions. What's ironic to me is that Sideshow has kind of presented themselves as "purists" when it comes to the SW OT (no floating sentry droids for the sandtroopers, no 1997 dewback, the statement that they successfully wrangled a LFL blessing to start working on the classic Max Rebo band, etc.) and then they go and give us all these reimagined Joes.

Like it or not they're pulling a George Lucas with GI Joe, and that diminishes their artistic integrity for handling this line. Putting 2011 CG eyeballs on 1983 Wicket is no different artistically than putting 2011 pants and weaponry on 1983 Duke.