Super Freak
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!
We all understood going in that Sideshow would be "modernizing" the Joes. But somehow, to the spoiled princesses, this is a magically new concept?
Look at EF. Probably among the staunchest of the Joe purists here and he doesn't seem to be throwing hissyfits. 
As for Star Wars, it's apples and oranges and actually, I've gone on record about consistency and the importance of it for a continuing line. I'm annoyed that Duke and Flint will look dated now. But you're being entirely eccentric when you take 2 figures that will now have dated sculpts and lumping them into a comparison of Sideshow's Buck-based Jedi's (which date back near a decade and thousands of dollars worth of investment) to the proposed new Pro-based ones with light-up sabers and the like.
If Sideshow were releasing all their OT figures in Clone Wars style, you'd have a better argument. They aren't.
This selective logic has always baffled me. You, Nam, and The Josh all seem to be of the same mind with this, and strangely only for GI Joe.
If it wasn't selective logic then you'd be demanding Bieber hair on Luke Skywalker and Platoon's Chris Taylor to come with a KRISS and iphone. Very strange...
We all understood going in that Sideshow would be "modernizing" the Joes. But somehow, to the spoiled princesses, this is a magically new concept?

As for Star Wars, it's apples and oranges and actually, I've gone on record about consistency and the importance of it for a continuing line. I'm annoyed that Duke and Flint will look dated now. But you're being entirely eccentric when you take 2 figures that will now have dated sculpts and lumping them into a comparison of Sideshow's Buck-based Jedi's (which date back near a decade and thousands of dollars worth of investment) to the proposed new Pro-based ones with light-up sabers and the like.

If Sideshow were releasing all their OT figures in Clone Wars style, you'd have a better argument. They aren't.
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