Super Freak
Re: Offical Sideshow Crimson Guards!

Again, that makes no sense whatsoever. While there have been a few misses, for the most part, we've gotten figures that closely resembled the card art (or could be stripped down to do so). I would have
'd at a $90 figure of V2 SE in a black bodysuit, so the trousers made sense. SS was pretty much dead on. Cobra Commander wasn't that bad either, considering. The Cobra Trooper was perfection and the Officer wasn't bad either.When you get to Beachhead, anybody with any complaints needs to stick to the 3 3/4" toys. Stalker was a Home Run and hair paint aside, so was Flint. With that said, Firefly was a miss (though a great figure it wasn't a great "Firefly"), Dusty had a goatee and this red Bondage trooper would be the only exceptions. That red thing for SDCC doesn't count. And again, you're blatantly ignoring the fact that Sideshow said from the beginning that these would be modernized. They said nothing of the sort of Star Wars and if they suddenly started taking liberties with that, then I'd quit collecting them. If you had an issue with them modernizing the Joe line, you should never have started collecting them. I guaran____ingtee you, if Sideshow or HT re-release the Universal Monsters and they don't have the OG likenesses, I won't collect them. 
I think you may have confused me with someone else, Khev. I've always been in accord with the updating / modernizing of the Joe Line...and this is the only 1/6 line from Sideshow that I collect. I pick up Hot Toys figures as well, but I'm not nearly as invested (for lack of a better word) in them as I am with the Joe line.
Khev, as Josh said, you're not raining on our parade. When I joined back in 4/09, I was happy to see a thread of like-minded Joe fans who's knowledge of the comic and cartoon were similar to mine. You were one of the biggest defender's of the Joe line, and when Firefly's pics were released, it seemed like the only ones defending him were you, me, and maybe Josh (my apologies if I forgot anyone). Since then (perhaps it was with Dusty), it seems you've taken a step back from Sideshow's line. I understand that you want them to be more faithful to the RAH line (specifically, in your words, the "card art"), but I know how much joy each subsequent Joe release gives me, and it's sort of disappointing that you (with the Duke avatar with your face on it) do't get the same feeling as the majority of us do.
Well, if that one thread that came out after SDCC is to be believed, V1 Snake Eyes will rectify this. It's been alleged that a sculpted V2 head will come with the V1 figure to allow uniformity.

Oops, my mistake, carry on then!
But even if you don't collect SW I hope you can appreciate that I wouldn't want a Luke Skywalker (or animated SW character) to be "modernized" with Justin Bieber hair or different shaped helmets and whatnot. Its exactly the same with Joes for me.
I hear you, and believe me, that's why I don't want to be the party pooper if you guys are still all into it. With each new SSC Joe release I kind of hope to get sucked back in so the jury isn't out permanently.
And I have been one of the few guys defending the Crimson Guard ironically enough.![]()
Again, that makes no sense whatsoever. While there have been a few misses, for the most part, we've gotten figures that closely resembled the card art (or could be stripped down to do so). I would have