Super Freak
found the decorder freebie but already have it. Its a Catalog.
Hint: Black VCD
Pass, I have 2 catalogs. Whew, thank god I saw the Mistress thing first.
But watch me not even get in in time to be the first 25.
found the decorder freebie but already have it. Its a Catalog.
Hint: Black VCD
I haven't won a Mistress one yet. I do hope I got it (so nervous)
I found it - its for a free vol 10 catalog. There are two words in the message that are key -one should be obvious
Very Cool Deal
what Mistress contest?
Decoder FOUND!
Very Cool Deal
Got it...That one was abit toughter..
Def Leppard rocks!
really?..............i went right to it. i dont know why, just a hunch really. first place i looked.....
and it was for something i already had.......
Decoder FOUND!
Very Cool Deal