Nerf Herder
Congrats icruise 
What's up with the Kiss promo word? I can't find $#it.

What's up with the Kiss promo word? I can't find $#it.
icruise how many have you one?
I think this is the 5th overall contest I won, but two of them were for relatively small items. I wouldn't have even tried for Luke, but I've wanted the Jedi Luke PF for a long time, so I thought I should give it a shot. I'm amazed I got it.
Anyway, as I said above, I won't be playing anymore, and I will also be doing a giveaway for people who haven't won anything, so stay tuned!
Robo needs to change icruise's banner from "Veteran" to "Champion"
congrats icruise. That was impressive
Is the KISS clue in a scarface item/news?
Congrats icruise
What's up with the Kiss promo word? I can't find $#it.
Just got my Venomsaurus!!! thanks mistress
wow they are fast!!!