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Nice pics Lance! I really love that DTK version. I"ll have to pick one up this year.
Maybe next years Spook Kit will include a MORT Mask like the ones we wore as kids with the elastic band :yess:

Hmm... I wonder how hard it would be to make???
I have a batman mask just like that. They had some made a few years back for easter. Just like the Venture Bros wore
I'm only missing the DTK Mort, I may have to try and get him this spook. the colour is great, but I still prefer the B&W for that classic zombie feel.
I had DTK Mort and ended up selling him, and opted not to get the others to complete the set. Just too small for my tastes. I wish Sideshow would make an articulated Mort like they've done with Sam and Chucky. Now that I'd buy.
I love mort. Have all of them and glad I do. Just a neat character. Plus the artist is a pretty cool guy. :)
s h a r e ?

Yes, please! I'm always interested in refining my Spook-effectiveness. :D

Yea I wouldn't mind seeing this fast way. :D

Bar Capture by Jaxo Systems... stand alone program for the PC so you don't need to rely on a web page; one button click and it will find the QR code on the web page and decipher it! :rock Now don't spread my secret around or I won't be able to beat all of you!!!

Guess who's now on Facebook... Mort!


Between Mort, the Mistress, Sideshow and Spooktacular on Facebook, along with Twitter and the web site, I predict a lot of tabs being open in people's browsers!!!

Must be all the brain food.

Ba dum bump! Zing!
Bar Capture by Jaxo Systems... stand alone program for the PC so you don't need to rely on a web page; one button click and it will find the QR code on the web page and decipher it! :rock Now don't spread my secret around or I won't be able to beat all of you!!!

I wouldn't worry about it too much, I doubt many people will be able to get past the captcha! I've never before encountered such a sadistic, unforgiving, evil captcha. :gah:
Thanks Lonnie!

That does work great. The only problem I see is if the QR code as been resized on the page, sometimes the scanner doesn't recognize it, and you have you open the image in a new tab to get it the correct size. It's a shame it doesn't support drag and drop. I've actually thought about writing my own version that does that.