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Yeah, its really moving slow right now. :lol

Its leaving multiple comments too. First three, than it all just disappeared. Should be interesting to see what my friends see when its finally up and running.

I am Captain Planet!
Back to spook, 389 attendees now.

2.6% of a chance.

That should get you the contest details, but you might also want to "like" the Sideshow Collectibles and Mort page, and also friend Ivana B. Generous.

I still have to friend Ivana...
Just a little FYI, that term existed loooooooooong before Sideshow. ;)

Every year I try to convince people of that, but no one ever believes me. :lol

I've heard it in one other context...and that was from my Grandpa who grew up in the south.

I honestly don't remember hearing it as a child outside of that, but my memory sucks.