Collector Freaks Forum

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Passing on a Jack PF? Or the freaks only one? You have to write a haiku, they are so stress free and fun and easy.

Do it! :D

Did everyone enter the Jack PF contest?

I didn't but I am not very creative when it comes to that kind of stuff. So even if I was a challenge to everyone else I will pass on this contest but I hope one of you guys wins!
I didn't but I am not very creative when it comes to that kind of stuff. So even if I was a challenge to everyone else I will pass on this contest but I hope one of you guys wins!

Same here, plus I'm not a huge Pirates fan. I would rather see it go to someone who will care for it like it was one of their own. :wink1:
I did not enter this one
Fury is my friend
He keeps me up all night long
What a piece of crap
I really had a great time at CV, seriously my favorite convention to date. Even though I got about four restless hours of sleep that night, I still had a very fun eventful day on Saturday. Good times.