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Even though the Morts aren't selling all that well a "Trick or Treat" Mort in some sort of costume would be funny.
nam, i made the mistake of watching that pos the other night (survival of the dead not old yeller). sometimes bad movies are fun because they are so bad and you can laugh at and enjoy the awfulness. survival of the dead was bad across the board and not fun at all in any way. i was so disappointed.

and the 1/6 dead line...:monkey2
nam, i made the mistake of watching that pos the other night (survival of the dead not old yeller). sometimes bad movies are fun because they are so bad and you can laugh at and enjoy the awfulness. survival of the dead was bad across the board and not fun at all in any way. i was so disappointed.

and the 1/6 dead line...:monkey2

It's not a mistake. Every George Romero zombie flick deserves a single viewing. I really don't know what he was thinking, or if he even was. Watching the interviews for SotD, I see a bunch of halfassed, corner cutting, lazy excuses for why he did what he did. It's true that most things get better with age, but Romero would be the exception. He needs to GTFO of Toronto, go back to Pittsburgh, rediscover his roots and make the last two films he's thinking about the way they should be done.

Fail quote of the decade: "I challenge Tom Savini to do that fire extinguisher gag with practical effects! He couldn't pull it off!" Not only would Tom have pulled it off, it would've looked 1000x better than that CG eyeballs on sticks bull____.
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yeah, it just had no production value. i know the first couple didn't either but survival just looked and felt a really bad syfy channel original movie. takes a lot to make land of the dead look like a winner in comparison...which maybe wasn't that bad in hindsight or maybe i am just rationalizing.
Yeah this year im hoping to at least win me any 1:6 figure...preferably a certain gentleman with a saw that has a
chain. :) Looking foward to spook though its going to be fun.
No chainsaw for me last year but I did win a Red Skull PF so I wasn't too sad. But this year I want my dang CHAINSAW.
TEAM CHAINSAW!!!! I got mine last year, so I will let others have the chance to join our awesome team. :rock :rock

Both you and I got our ex chainsaw last year. It was fabulous! I wont be around as much due to work so I am sad about that. We'll see though. Maybe a miracle will happen.

As for this year, there is actually nothing 'specific' I want. Guess the only thing is the Luke PF. That would be awesome. lol...will not be holding my breath. And it would just be a bonus, not something I am desperate for....